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Copenhagen Business School

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152 results: "Education"

CBS answers criticism from students trapped in protest-stricken Hong Kong

Two CBS students required more support from CBS when their university became a battleground. CBS argues that it is doing what it can for its students in Hong Kong, and although there is now no academic reason to stay in Hong Kong, CBS does not consider students under obligation to return home.  

New kid on the block: CBS may get a one-year alternative to its two-year master’s degree

CBS has applied for funding to establish a new one-year master degree in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management. If the degree is accepted, it will allow students to dive deeper into tourism and hospitality in collaboration with the industry. “When new education formats emerge, we should test them,” says Michala Tomra from the Dean’s Office for Education.

CBS is making exchange trips even easier – in future you won’t even have to leave Copenhagen

Taking a semester abroad isn’t easy for every bachelor student at CBS. Therefore, the Vice Dean of International Education, in collaboration with the study boards, is rethinking the exchange format. For example, in future, perhaps you can to take a course in Norway without leaving Copenhagen, or pick universities and course programs specifically designed for your academic profile.

CBS co-develops national recommendations to attract more international graduates to the Danish job market

The education sector and business industry have launched seven recommendations to encourage more international students to embark on careers in Denmark after graduation. CBS had an important seat at the table, explains Tom Dahl-Østergaard, who advocates more language flexibility in the business sector. The recommendations have now been handed to the Minister for Higher Education and Science.

Lifelong learning: “We are pulling the wool over our eyes if we believe learning is happening exclusively at universities”

Universities are at risk of making themselves irrelevant if they don’t acknowledge that the production of knowledge and learning also takes place outside CBS, argues the Associate Dean of Lifelong Learning at CBS. He wants to make CBS loosen its grip on the supply chain of knowledge and be present where knowledge is produced as a way of introducing lifelong learning, and he is looking for students and employees to join his quest.

HA Psyk. students learn presentation techniques to curb exam stress

Students in their first and third semesters of the BSc in Business Administration and Psychology program will soon be taught presentational techniques to help them communicate their new knowledge during oral exams. The course lecturer, Mathias Bruhn, hopes the techniques will reduce the stress related to oral exams, and offers advice on preparing for them.

Leon tied his shoes and left the humdrum life of pension schemes and a good canteen behind him – now he just won the European Championships twice

It was a life-changing decision, and Leon Kofoed was both scared to take it, and scared not to. But as soon as he changed his profession from ‘Junior Analyst’ to ‘Athlete’ on LinkedIn, all of his fears vanished. Everything felt right. This is a story about quitting the humdrum of a steady career and stable income and what it takes to turn your passion into a livelihood.

94 students got their grades mixed up: Should students be worried that other grades are flawed?

A typing error was the reason why 94 students out of a class of 104 got their grades mixed up before the summer holiday. Now, some of the affected students are worried that other grades might be flawed too. The Acting Director of the Study Administration at CBS calls the case “unfortunate” and “extraordinary”. He explains why students shouldn’t be worried about their grades being flawed and how typing errors can be avoided.

A new CBS program focusing on consumerism has enrolled a maximum number of students

A new bachelor program kicks off for the first time in August. It’s filled to the max with 90 new students where they’ll learn to provide customer foresight – not with a crystal ball, but by combining methods from anthropology, cultural studies, sociology and communication studies. The program has been developed in close collaboration with the Danish business community.

CBS accepts more bachelor students – but it’s still super hard to get in

Although CBS has increased the number of study placements by six percent this year, and therefore admitted more students, it’s still hard to get accepted to a bachelor’s program. CBS programs have some of Denmark’s highest entry requirements. But the end of the “artificially high” entry requirements is near, argues the Head of the Dean’s Office at CBS.

Fundamental changes in society challenge CBS – here is the university’s response

A rapid digital transformation of society and increasing demands for life-long learning prompt the Dean of Education to appoint two new associate deans. The aim is to get CBS up to speed with the changes and opportunities related to these phenomena, as CBS is lagging far behind, according to the Dean. We spoke to the two new associate deans about their plans, which are expected to produce results within the year.

Simple concept from CBS students can change Pandora’s sales

Fewer British men buy Pandora jewelry as gifts. CBS students were asked to crack the case and present solutions to Pandora’s executive team. The live case format builds a bridge between theory and practice and it’s here to stay, according to a CBS teacher and the person who developed the concept

Controversial pottery case becomes part of the curriculum at CBS

A much-discussed copycat case between ceramicist Anne Black and the Danish supermarket chain Netto is currently pending in court. No matter the outcome, the case will be a good way to show CBS students how to avoid being in the “worst situation imaginable,” as lecturer Stina Teilmann-Lock puts it.

Now it’s higher education’s turn for a digital upgrade

The Danish government has set aside DKK 81 million to digitally and technologically upgrade higher education. Vice Dean of CBS, Annemette Kjærgaard welcomes the national plan of action that encourages collaboration beyond individual institutions.

Grading scale can get an add-on: 12+

More focus on taking chances and challenging yourself, less focus on mistakes and weak points. This is the rationale behind the new grading scale proposed by the Danish government, which wants to introduce the 12+ for extraordinary performance. The President of CBS Students and the Head of the Dean's Office at CBS are positive about the suggestion from the government, as it shows that the politicians have listened.

Critics: CBS’ studies in economics only propose one truth

CBS students and other business students question the curriculum of studies in economics. They argue that they’re only taught selected models and theories that are insufficient for dealing with the many-faceted issues facing the world. But you have to understand A, before you can understand B, argue CBS teachers.

CBS answers criticism from students trapped in protest-stricken Hong Kongby

  • News

    Staff layoffs: What happens if you’re fired

    The clock is ticking. On Thursday morning (5 October), CBS employees will know if they are up for dismissal or not. But what will happen on the day? What emotional stages are you likely to encounter? And who will be there to pick you up when you are feeling the blow of being laid off? CBS WIRE has talked to HR and the consulting agency Actief Hartmanns to provide you with answers.

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    Network, network, network – CBS graduates advise on getting your first job

    There are many approaches to finding your first job. Three recent CBS graduates talk about how they landed theirs. Their approaches were quite different, yet they all highlight networking as a key element.

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    A-Z of the dismissals

    In these final days of September, the fate of a number of CBS employees is being decided. The final amount of money saved on salaries via voluntary severance agreements (aka redundancy packages, Ed.) and senior agreements will be known.  After this, the actual number of employees up for dismissal will be decided by management – and then the individuals will be selected.

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    Layoffs break the crucial trust between organisation and employee

    CBS is laying off a number of employees soon, which will affect our university in different ways. When employees are fired without having done anything wrong, it shatters the trust between the organisation and employees, while also taking a toll on productivity, according to a CBS expert. Layoffs also affect the ‘survivors’, who are forced to adapt to a changed workload and the loss of cherished colleagues.

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    Here to help – at the touch of a button and at Campus Desk

    Exam anxiety? Lost student card? I’ve wedged my car between a Fiat 500 and a lamp post, can you help? You never know what you’ll be asked next. But that’s just how the Campus Desk team like it. And if they can’t fix your problem, they’ll know someone who can. CBS WIRE asked the team about the whole range of topics they advice on every day.

  • Gif of the week
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    CBS Quiz Time: Unraveling the success story

    A successful university environment such as CBS is often associated with academic pursuits, but campus life extends far beyond the classroom. At CBS Quiz Time, a student society motivated by creative thinking and social engagement, students join in a refreshing range of creativity, excitement, and social interaction. CBS WIRE talked to Celine Møller-Andersen to find out about the society’s vision, strategies and the factors that are driving its rapid expansion.

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    Why so sudden? The CBS financial crisis explained

    Employees and union representatives have posed many questions in the wake of the 17 August announcement of a firing round. In this interview, University Director Arnold Boon explains how Senior Management has been working with the budget and a change of financial strategy since the fall of 2022, and why layoffs are now necessary.

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