Humans of CBSbyLisbeth Holten

Søren Friis Hansen, professor at the Department of Law, is going to a summer house with four of his friends.

Daniela Besser, Campus Desk, just bought a new apartment instead of traveling this summer.

Eva Petersen, BSc in Economics and Business Administration, is going to Musik i Lejet Festival, and Bornholm.

Kasper Ravn Breindal, IT advisor, will be going to Sardinia on a family trip.

Anna Kingo Hansen, BSc in Business Administration and Philosophy, does not have travel plans because she’ll be an intro guide for the new students at CBS.

Simon Carøe Aarestrup, research assistant at the Department of Marketing, is going to catch some sun in Bali with his family.

Xander Coleman, MSc IBP, is undecided whether to go to Bornholm or France.

Michelle Nguyen, BSc in Economics and Business Administration, will be going to visit her family in Vietnam and then travel to Hong Kong after.

Federico Rea, MSc International Marketing and Management, will be traveling to Rome, Naples, Bangkok Sri Lanka and New York throughout the summer.