Humans of CBSbyAnna Holte

Marvin Pflaume, International Business and Politics: When I’m really busy? I try to calm down! Meeting up with friends and take a break.

Marie Lindberg-Nielsen, BA EOK: When I’m really busy - which I am right now! I make sure to have small breaks and walk around the block without my phone. It can’t come with.

Hirham Bashar, washer-up, Spisestuerne: When I’m really busy? I try to take small breaks because it’s tough work. When we are two people, one can keep working while the other takes a break.

Marie Hansen, Academic officer, Student Hub: When I’m really busy? Then I feel much better when I have a cup of coffee in my hand… with that, I will always find a solution.

Kelvin Bjerre, stone worker, Stone Treatment: When I’m really busy I work a couple of hours extra. I can’t make the machine go any faster.

Mia Christiansen, When I’m really busy? I take one thing at the time. It usually helps. I also try to keep a cool head.

Simone Favorito, Strategic Market Creation: I create a plan with numbers and write how much time I want to spend on each task. The most important comes first.

Helene Brøndholt Nielsen, Head of Alumni Relations and Career Services: When I’m really busy, I make long lists on my pad and try to get the most important things done first.