Humans of CBSbyLisbeth Holten

Pia L. Rønnow Torp, Teamleader, CBS Legal: What I love the most is to be out in the nature with my kids. I live out in the countryside in a small village a little outside of Lejre, and there is a lot of nature there. When I'm in nature I feel free, I get inspired and I feel happy in my heart and stomach.

Mathias Holst, IT Supporter: I got a bagel with ham and cheese for lunch, and it's not the healthiest thing to eat. However, I'm having chicken and loads of broccoli for dinner. I'm counting calories and care a lot about exercising so that I have a fit body. It's all about feeling fresh in a healthy body.

Alice Fritze, student from Germany, Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship: In Berlin, I have my own band playing experimental, electronic music. To me, singing is communication, and it gives me the possibility to express some of the emotions inside of me that I can't express in any other way.

Søren Printz, student, Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship: I like uncertainty and to work with new challenges all the time. I think that was one of the reasons why I went to China to open a bar and stayed there for six years. At CBS, I put together the pieces and learn a lot about what I probably should have known before I went to China. But according to Chinese philosophy it's good to live in chaos.

Nehir Durmus, student, Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship: One of the places I let go is, when I watch a play or perform one myself. The last time I went to the theatre, I ended up on the stage myself and became a part of the play, since it was comedy improvisation theater. What I especially like about the theater is that I experience the world and the joys and sorrows of humans in a new way.

Mohanad Zaki, student from Syria, studies Marketing and Innovation: I'm travelling as much as possible. Spain and Greece are some of the most fantastic countries with a lot of warmth and sunshine. I'm longing for that. But Denmark is also nice. Especially when it comes to education. I study both at the University of Southern Denmark and CBS.

Sanni Brandt, Advisor, Communications: I live in the countryside, so the changing of the seasons means a lot to me. The peewit has come, and the lark is coming soon enough. And while I wait for it, the waxwings eat the last rowanberries, and then the blackbirds start to sing. It makes me happy. I just like it when I come home and tell my boys that I have seen three stags during my walk, and they then shout: "Where? Can we go?"

Niels Buus Lassen, PhD Fellow, Department for Digitalization: People usually laugh about the fact that I practice mermaid swimming. Can men practice this? Yes, they can. You work out your hips, belly, and loin. And that is everything you need when you are sitting on an office chair a lot. So, I definitely recommend others to put on a monofin and go swimming.

Julia Larsen, student, Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Some of the most interesting aspects of block chain is that it's going to give equal status to humans. People need to think of block chain as equality. It is going to mean a lot to women, and because of that, I have founded CryptoWomen. We arrange events and debates in the Meatpacking District - Kødbyen.

Frank Nordahl, Career Counselor, CBS Career: When students are facing a wall of problems and are no longer able to see how they are going to move on, I can help them finding and recreate their own successes. My product is the students, and I get a kick out of helping them.