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195 results: "Campus"

CBS’ CIO: Cyber security is like a cold war

Increasing threat levels for cybercrime and espionage against universities have resulted in a pamphlet on preventing “foreign interference” published by the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) and the ministry. CBS’ CIO explains the innate dilemma between how universities operate and cyber security, and that we all need to be a little more skeptical and watchful.

Academic Council directs incisive criticism at Senior Management in annual report

In its annual report, the Academic Council heavily criticizes the lack of involvement of staff, faculty and students during a year characterized by sweeping strategy development while a pandemic raged. Both the Academic Council and Senior Management are willing to work towards a “trustful and constructive” collaboration.  

DKK 80 million surplus: CBS is in the pink due to coronavirus

Corona restrictions put the brakes on traveling and recruitment in 2020, and it shows in CBS’ annual result, which ended with a surplus of DKK 80 million, as opposed to the DKK 22 million surplus projected. Part of the surplus will be spent on postponed activities, explains CBS’ University Director, who also expects lockdown learnings to influence future travel behavior.

Café Nexus reopens Wednesday April 21

“Café Nexus is run by the students for the students, and we can’t wait to get back to serving that purpose,” says the President of CBS Students, Mads Taudal Nyeng, about the reopening of Café Nexus.

CBS Students discusses possible reopening of Café Nexus on April 21

The Danish parliament has agreed to bring forward the reopening, including cafés and restaurants, which can reopen for outdoor and indoor serving on April 21. CBS Students is in dialogue with CBS on whether it makes sense to reopen Café Nexus. The extended reopening for higher education institutions does not affect CBS.

Test center and control procedures: CBS to reopen on April 6

A negative corona test taken within the past 72 hours will be your access card to the CBS campus when it reopens on April 6. CBS Students is seated at the table when CBS discusses detailed plans for the gradual reopening. “Study places and group rooms are first priority,” says the President of CBS Students.

CBS jumps on the SDG bandwagon

A new report aims to communicate CBS’ engagement in supporting the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The authors hope the report will lay the foundation for a new reporting system and external collaborations.

Top 10 stories on CBS WIRE in 2020

Although of course, articles about coronavirus feature among the top 10, they were not the only stories you read on CBS WIRE in 2020. Danish humor – or the lack of it, the grade race, and a huge intro case also drew your attention.

CBS@Home: Community spirit delivered online

With the second lockdown, CBS has aired the online concept CBS@Home, which aims to imitate “organizational glue” for students and staff working from home. The concept is kicking off with three yoga sessions in collaboration with CBS Yoga, and more initiatives, such as webinars and perhaps musical content, will follow to cover all of CBS.

Hybrid rooms and a supervisor wing: CBS is renovating

The large restructuring of departments and employees at CBS has kick-started several renovation projects on CBS campuses. Students and staff can look forward to new offices, a supervisor wing, a student lounge and more group rooms.

All CBS campuses to get recycling bins in 2021

After failed attempts, CBS is now ready to expand its waste sorting scheme to cover all of CBS – starting in 2021. Architect Tore Klitgaard says waste sorting is now the only responsible option, and he hopes the recycling bins will be the new place to meet for a chat.

In CBS’ backyard lies a very special house

CBS has been the contractor behind the retrofit of the more than 100-year-old police station that has now been transformed into Station – A Student Innovation House. Tore Klitgaard and Mads Vigen from Estates Management at CBS reflect on the building process, which has exceeded “business as usual”.

CBS’ finances escape coronavirus  

Coronavirus has left its mark on CBS finances, but it could have been worse. Much worse, according to Kristian Dyhr, CFO at CBS. Especially less travelling and fewer conferences have saved CBS some money.

New strategy echoing the Danish doctor’s oath holds key to transforming CBS

For CBS’ President, Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, the students have played a key role in drawing up the new strategy, which drives CBS in a transformative direction. He hopes the new strategy can transform society as well as CBS, while giving students the capabilities to deal with the expectations and pressure they are facing.

Now you can get regular infection rate updates for CBS  

Staff can now get updated figures on the coronavirus situation at CBS, and soon the service will also be available to students. So far, the figures show no sign of a massive outbreak, says the Director of Campus Services. Moreover, guards will be patrolling the hallways and asking people to keep one meter apart.

The President of CBS answers criticism from the HSU and Academic Council about strategy approval behind closed doors

At two meetings with the General Consultation Committee (HSU) and the Academic Council, the President of CBS answered criticism about the absence of involvement in the final stages of the strategy process up to the CBS Board Meeting on June 29. Members of the two collegial organs still lack a good explanation as to why the decision was made to finalize the strategy in secret, and expect more involvement in the strategy process going forward.

CBS’ CIO: Cyber security is like a cold warby

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    Staff layoffs: What happens if you’re fired

    The clock is ticking. On Thursday morning (5 October), CBS employees will know if they are up for dismissal or not. But what will happen on the day? What emotional stages are you likely to encounter? And who will be there to pick you up when you are feeling the blow of being laid off? CBS WIRE has talked to HR and the consulting agency Actief Hartmanns to provide you with answers.

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    Network, network, network – CBS graduates advise on getting your first job

    There are many approaches to finding your first job. Three recent CBS graduates talk about how they landed theirs. Their approaches were quite different, yet they all highlight networking as a key element.

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    A-Z of the dismissals

    In these final days of September, the fate of a number of CBS employees is being decided. The final amount of money saved on salaries via voluntary severance agreements (aka redundancy packages, Ed.) and senior agreements will be known.  After this, the actual number of employees up for dismissal will be decided by management – and then the individuals will be selected.

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    Layoffs break the crucial trust between organisation and employee

    CBS is laying off a number of employees soon, which will affect our university in different ways. When employees are fired without having done anything wrong, it shatters the trust between the organisation and employees, while also taking a toll on productivity, according to a CBS expert. Layoffs also affect the ‘survivors’, who are forced to adapt to a changed workload and the loss of cherished colleagues.

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    Here to help – at the touch of a button and at Campus Desk

    Exam anxiety? Lost student card? I’ve wedged my car between a Fiat 500 and a lamp post, can you help? You never know what you’ll be asked next. But that’s just how the Campus Desk team like it. And if they can’t fix your problem, they’ll know someone who can. CBS WIRE asked the team about the whole range of topics they advice on every day.

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    CBS Quiz Time: Unraveling the success story

    A successful university environment such as CBS is often associated with academic pursuits, but campus life extends far beyond the classroom. At CBS Quiz Time, a student society motivated by creative thinking and social engagement, students join in a refreshing range of creativity, excitement, and social interaction. CBS WIRE talked to Celine Møller-Andersen to find out about the society’s vision, strategies and the factors that are driving its rapid expansion.

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    Why so sudden? The CBS financial crisis explained

    Employees and union representatives have posed many questions in the wake of the 17 August announcement of a firing round. In this interview, University Director Arnold Boon explains how Senior Management has been working with the budget and a change of financial strategy since the fall of 2022, and why layoffs are now necessary.

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