CBS@Home: Community spirit delivered online

With the second lockdown, CBS has aired the online concept CBS@Home, which aims to imitate “organizational glue” for students and staff working from home. The concept is kicking off with three yoga sessions in collaboration with CBS Yoga, and more initiatives, such as webinars and perhaps musical content, will follow to cover all of CBS.
By coincidence, the new online concept CBS@Home was launched on almost the same day that Denmark locked down for the second time. Convenient, some would say, as CBS’ campuses have been closed and students and staff sent home – again.
“In these times, remaining united as an organization is extremely challenging. Our daily lives on campus act as organizational glue, so being back home again means we need an initiative that can create this feeling of being together, but at home,” says Charlotte Autzen, Head of Executive Support and Communications at CBS and member of the Information Security Committee at CBS, about the concept.
The online concept was launched with a yoga session hosted by the student organization CBS Yoga and transmitted as a Teams Live event on Tuesday December 15, and another two yoga sessions have already been planned.
However, the concept CBS@Home is designed to deliver many more activities and events. Therefore, Marie Pade, Communications Advisor and Charlotte Autzen are encouraging staff and students to email ideas for events and initiatives to be run as part of CBS@Home, and music requests have already been forwarded, explains Marie Pade.
“We are looking into what’s possible in terms of musical content, under the current conditions. We also want to produce a series of webinars that can enlighten and inspire people during this situation. For example, we have many researchers who know a lot about the work environment and have specifically studied the effects of the pandemic, so maybe they can share their knowledge with the rest of us,” she says and explains that this is something CBS’ so-called “Corona Team” will be looking into next year.
Cancellation upon cancellation
The idea for creating what later became CBS@Home started in the early autumn, when most CBS employees were back on campus, explains Charlotte Autzen.
“I remember getting a feeling of only seeing things being cancelled. Cancellation after cancellation. We started talking about what we could do to give employees something other than cancellations. And from there, the idea just seemed to grow,” says Charlotte Autzen and continues:
“I don’t know how long the concept will continue, and I have my fingers crossed that we can return to CBS soon, but being realistic, we probably won’t near normalization for another six months or so.”
As the concept needed content, according to Marie Pade, it made a lot of sense to go looking for help among CBS’ many, many student organizations, explains Marie Pade.
“The students are not employed by CBS, but they also struggle with working from home, so of course they should benefit from this as well, and then it was a great opportunity to involve the student organizations. They can help us to help ourselves, as well as getting a little PR boost, now that all of their usual activities are on hold as well,” she says.
Together apart
When participating in the yoga sessions, coming webinars and other events, employees will still be at home, alone. And maybe with their cameras and microphones off. So how exactly will the concept and planned activities work as organizational glue?
“I hope this will spark conversations across departments and fields and will give us something we can all relate to that is not all about solving tasks and assignments. Yes, we are still apart, but maybe after the yoga sessions, people will talk about how much fun it was, or that they had not tried yoga before. So, I hope these events can give us something to talk about,” says Charlotte Autzen.
Marie Pade hopes that CBS@Home can create some happiness in uncertain times.
“I hope that it will create a feeling of togetherness and that it can be a consolation in terms of the things we are missing out on – especially the things that should bring us together. I really hope that the entire organization will want to play along and experiment with us on this,” she says.