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Copenhagen Business School

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38 results: "Sustainability"

“Sustainability isn’t about pointing fingers – it’s about working together”

It’s hard to mention sustainable initiatives at CBS that Centre Manager Louise Thomsen hasn’t been involved with in one way or another. Since 2016, she has done her part to push CBS in a more sustainable direction. And it hasn’t always been easy. Now, she is saying goodbye to CBS with some words of advice on how the university can become even more sustainable.

Ashamed of flying? It’s both a good and a bad thing, says CBS researcher

The phenomenon of flight shame is spreading, but researchers don’t know why we feel like this or what the consequences of it are. Assistant Professor Florian Kock from CBS is going to investigate the nagging feeling that, according to him, can end up making even more people choose to fly. It’s quite paradoxical.  

Plastic fantastic: Beached fishing nets become reusable shopping nets

CBS students, Lena Tünkers and Niklas Sihan, have developed a circular deposit system that introduces reusable plastic nets made out of beached fishing nets to supermarket chains. They want to confront the perception of plastic being a bad material, as they think it is a valuable resource.

They want to beat the misconceptions about social businesses

If CBS students are to become the ‘leaders of tomorrow’, they need to understand the potential of creating social and sustainable companies, argues Marine von Renteln, first year-student at CBS. Together with the social enterprise YES CPH and the Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship, she is hosting a seminar about this topic on May 3 at Porcelænshaven.

Mogens Lykketoft: Current CBS students will face a major catastrophe if we don’t act now

If we do not meet the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, it is not the problem of the next generations, but the current students’ at CBS, pointed out the former chairman of the UN General Assembly, Mogens Lykketoft, in a debate about the SDGs at CBS. Also, read about what kind of greenwashing traps companies risk falling into, and why the students should care about SDGs at all.

CBS is getting a strategy for sustainability

The future of CBS is about to look greener. The Green Network, consisting of professionals, experts, and students from CBS, has received a green light from the senior management to draft a sustainability strategy for CBS. The first initiatives will be ready in 2019, and you can participate by sharing ideas that would make CBS more sustainable.

They close a gap in sustainable teaching

Teaching material on sustainable business models is a scarcity. But CBS wants to change that together with the Norwegian School of Economics and the Spanish ESADE Business & Law School, as they are planning to launch an open source and online educational material about sustainable business models in 2019.

CBS students demand more teaching in sustainability

Sustainability isn’t just a trend that’s about to pass. Teachers are experiencing that students demand to be taught more about sustainability. Two students from OIKOS think that CBS needs to introduce more mandatory courses in sustainability if it wants to be in tune with the future of businesses and consumer behavior.

You can help Spisestuerne prevent food waste

Instead of letting the food from the five canteens at CBS go to waste, you can fill a box for DKK 15. Although the new initiative is facing some challenges, it’s “here to stay,” says the Director of Spisestuerne.

When what is left undone sends the strongest message

Lectures in sustainability and CSR are not worth much if CBS itself does not set a good example, argues Maribel Blasco, Associate Professor at CBS. According to her, students will only take responsibility and sustainability seriously if CBS shows that it does so itself as well. “Students spot hypocrisy right away,” she says.

Three students have got a great green idea for CBS – now they are going to New York

Imagine a point system in which you could earn points each time you did a sustainable deed; such as, biking to CBS. This sums up an idea conceived three students from CBS and the University of Copenhagen at last weekend’s Sustainable Campus Hackathon. The idea was brilliant enough to earn the group a trip to PRME’s office in New York in order to present it next year. Furthermore, a task force is working on getting the idea implemented at CBS.

Frontrunners: Department at CBS becomes meat-free by default

The new Department of Management, Society and Communication wanted to be more sustainable. In order to become so, they came up with a competition among staff members. This has resulted in a vegetarian default food policy. The first of its kind at CBS.

Sustainability: Is CBS talking the talk but not walking the walk?

CBS has a copious amount of researchers that are specialists in CSR and sustainable management, and the students are, from day one, told and taught to act responsibly. But CBS does not have an overall strategy about how to be a sustainable university. We asked the University Director why. Staff members working with sustainability and CSR argue that CBS can do much more, and should if they do not want to be blamed for greenwashing.

“Sustainability isn’t about pointing fingers – it’s about working together”by

  • News

    Staff layoffs: What happens if you’re fired

    The clock is ticking. On Thursday morning (5 October), CBS employees will know if they are up for dismissal or not. But what will happen on the day? What emotional stages are you likely to encounter? And who will be there to pick you up when you are feeling the blow of being laid off? CBS WIRE has talked to HR and the consulting agency Actief Hartmanns to provide you with answers.

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    Network, network, network – CBS graduates advise on getting your first job

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    A-Z of the dismissals

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    Layoffs break the crucial trust between organisation and employee

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    Here to help – at the touch of a button and at Campus Desk

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    CBS Quiz Time: Unraveling the success story

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    Why so sudden? The CBS financial crisis explained

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