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Copenhagen Business School

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152 results: "Education"

The closing down of EOK does not equal job cuts for now

CBS management reassures us that no job cuts are planned for now, but points out that demand and supply in the field of language can change in the future. Furthermore, the Dean of Education, Jan Molin, responds to the criticisms that have been raised in the wake of the closedown.

CEO of Danske Bank will share ups and downs with CBS students

Thomas F. Borgen, CEO of Danske Bank, is going to spend an academic year at CBS. Not to drink coffee with the President of CBS, but instead to learn from academics and students. In the wake of the money laundering case at Danske Bank, he will share what he can if students ask him.

The internship that encouraged me to grow

I was completely terrified about the idea of working in 'the real world', but I knew I needed an internship in order to build my future career. My time at Roots Food turned out to be so much more than another company on my CV, as it provided me with friends, memories and personal development. Here is my life as an intern.

“It looks like CBS is not interested in China anymore”

Researchers and students are left with fewer options to collaborate with and get connections in China. This is owing to CBS backing out of a collaboration with 25 Nordic universities at the Fudan University in Shanghai, argues President from CBS Students and CBS professor. But is the collaboration worth fighting for at all?

The Queen of the Blue MBA

Persian born, Swedish based and working in Copenhagen Irene Rosberg is the epitome of a cosmopolitan. Just like the shipping industry she works within. On 12th August, her class of 2017 graduated from the Blue MBA, one of the most prestigious MBA’s within the shipping industry at CBS.

Top CEOs: Travel, learn languages and be human

It’s not only about getting good grades and be hard working to succeed in the future job market. The business leaders, Stina Vrang Elias, Richard Emerton and Louise Seest put emphasis on the importance of being curious to the world, critical and human as crucial competences.

CBS report: Students are lacking competences for the future job market

Master students find it difficult when it comes to getting the right skills and competences for future jobs, a new CBS report presented to 600 CEOs today shows. The gap between what is taught at CBS, and what competences will be needed in the labor market only seems to grow bigger, argues professor at CBS.

Blended Learning: Silence is Golden

Having created an increase in efficiency and creativity amongst employers and employees, the question lies in whether silence is also the vital element needed to produce a better learning environment here at CBS. A class of graduate students had a short introduction to the possibilities of silent co-creation.

Blended learning: A fancy buzzword or a necessity?

The traditional educational set-up of a teacher standing in front of a blackboard will be replaced by online courses, board games and silent reflection in a new phenomenon known as ‘blended learning’. CBS aims to implement it by 2022, but students and teachers argue that it can’t come soon enough.

From the books to the field: CBS goes to Ugandaby

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    Staff layoffs: What happens if you’re fired

    The clock is ticking. On Thursday morning (5 October), CBS employees will know if they are up for dismissal or not. But what will happen on the day? What emotional stages are you likely to encounter? And who will be there to pick you up when you are feeling the blow of being laid off? CBS WIRE has talked to HR and the consulting agency Actief Hartmanns to provide you with answers.

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    Network, network, network – CBS graduates advise on getting your first job

    There are many approaches to finding your first job. Three recent CBS graduates talk about how they landed theirs. Their approaches were quite different, yet they all highlight networking as a key element.

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    A-Z of the dismissals

    In these final days of September, the fate of a number of CBS employees is being decided. The final amount of money saved on salaries via voluntary severance agreements (aka redundancy packages, Ed.) and senior agreements will be known.  After this, the actual number of employees up for dismissal will be decided by management – and then the individuals will be selected.

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    Layoffs break the crucial trust between organisation and employee

    CBS is laying off a number of employees soon, which will affect our university in different ways. When employees are fired without having done anything wrong, it shatters the trust between the organisation and employees, while also taking a toll on productivity, according to a CBS expert. Layoffs also affect the ‘survivors’, who are forced to adapt to a changed workload and the loss of cherished colleagues.

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    Here to help – at the touch of a button and at Campus Desk

    Exam anxiety? Lost student card? I’ve wedged my car between a Fiat 500 and a lamp post, can you help? You never know what you’ll be asked next. But that’s just how the Campus Desk team like it. And if they can’t fix your problem, they’ll know someone who can. CBS WIRE asked the team about the whole range of topics they advice on every day.

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    CBS Quiz Time: Unraveling the success story

    A successful university environment such as CBS is often associated with academic pursuits, but campus life extends far beyond the classroom. At CBS Quiz Time, a student society motivated by creative thinking and social engagement, students join in a refreshing range of creativity, excitement, and social interaction. CBS WIRE talked to Celine Møller-Andersen to find out about the society’s vision, strategies and the factors that are driving its rapid expansion.

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    Why so sudden? The CBS financial crisis explained

    Employees and union representatives have posed many questions in the wake of the 17 August announcement of a firing round. In this interview, University Director Arnold Boon explains how Senior Management has been working with the budget and a change of financial strategy since the fall of 2022, and why layoffs are now necessary.

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