I believe in taking challenges

(Photo: Mette Koors & Anne M. Lykkegaard)
My current situation is that I am challenging myself with the difficult subjects that normally one would rather give up on. As a student, challenging myself has been one of my strengths.
I believe that when I challenge myself, it is due to a stable self-esteem. I often choose to trust myself and my ability to take difficult subjects by storm and believe that I can pass them all.
I have had moments where I had to squeeze a whole semester into one week and hope that my results will turn out fine. (I cannot recommend this to those who cannot work under pressure.)
Challenging myself is also my own way of proving to myself that I should not be limited, but go beyond my abilities.
What does it mean to challenge yourself?
In my case, as a CBS student, it means that I am taking more subjects than most of my fellow students. In this semester, I am taking six subjects, which I also did last semester; whereas my fellow students are taking four. To my surprise, the six subjects went well. However, that was due to the fact that I chose to believe in myself and pushed myself beyond the standardisation that has been set for CBS students each semester. Personally, I find it satisfying when I go beyond what the standard is or any other expectations. Whether it’s study related or in any other setting.
Nevertheless, challenging myself has not always worked out in my favour. When challenging myself does not work, I always refer to the saying that goes, “Too much confidence can kill you”. Which can be true in my case, sometimes. This is why I try to find a balance between challenging myself and knowing when I am exaggerating. I do this to avoid failures, because I dislike failures!
Question: Do you believe in challenging yourself?(Please feel free to give me an answer below!)