Why I ignore noises

Merveille Musungay, CBS student, writes about how to keep motivated in university.
I remember during the past years, I used to be a follower of other people’s attitude and opinions towards their bad situations. For instance, if someone expressed their frustrations in a given situation, I will follow and believe that I will be just as frustrated as them, even without trying. This was mostly in school and workplaces.
I remember a certain school year, where all my mates were struggling with their subjects, ones that I did not even take yet. I instantly started to listen to their complaints about how difficult the subject was and became just as frustrated. Their complaints discouraged me, and in the same manner, I became scared to even try.
I did not even bother trying to study, as everyone painted a negative picture of their subjects. Being in that situation, I did not even consider their reaction towards their situation as ‘noise’. However, as I decided to try, I came to a conclusion that I was listening to the noises, other people’s noises.
I refuse to fail just because I chose to listen to someone else’s opinion of the given subject.
Merveille Musungay
Another conclusion I came to was that I needed to trust myself more. I realize that Another’s struggle is not necessarily mine.
In that matter, I realized that it is crucial to avoid letting yourself be affected by other people’s level of incapability. Meaning that you never know until you have tried.
At CBS, we have a great number of different students from different social backgrounds. Each student has their own way of approaching difficult subjects and what may seem difficult for one person may not necessarily be as difficult for the next one.
I often encourage myself to always be optimistic when it comes to new subjects, as I refuse to fail just because I chose to listen to someone else’s opinion of the given subject.
Question: Do you often listen to ‘noises’?
I am human and will not claim that I never get affected by other people’s opinion of certain subjects. However, my goal is to always walk in my own path while listening to my own voice, instead of others. This is what I believe makes me succeed in my subjects.
Have you ever failed a subject due to other people’s noises?