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Copenhagen Business School

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Copenhagen Business School

The Student Rebellion invites all CBS students to join the national student rebellion

(Photo by Mette Koors)

Open letter |   16. Dec 2021

(This is an open letter written by The Student Rebellion)

Recently we have experienced the consequences of the political agreement on more and better educational opportunities across Denmark (officially referred to as “Flere og Bedre Uddannelsesmuligheder til hele Danmark”). One of the direct consequences of which is thousands of study seats being reduced across the country, since this has become the primary means by which universities can live up to the political agreement. This has resulted in Copenhagen Business School’s first student rebellion in its history due to the mismanagement of the process by CBS Senior Management. It was not erroneous numbers alone, but also the implicit gender discrimination towards programs with a high concentration of female students and a hastily drawn up process, in which there was little-to-no room for a proper democratic hearing process with time for objections. We have shown that it makes a difference when students come together in a shared cause and take a stand. 2 CBS programs have been saved from apparent closure. We have seen similar protests from Copenhagen University and Roskilde University, but we are far from finished drawing attention to the deteriorating effect this is having!

Programs stand to be closed at several universities, study seats are being reduced and research environments across the country are threatened due to a fatal agreement between the government and Enhedslisten, Alternativet, SF, Venstre, Konservative, Dansk Folkeparti, Kristendemokraterne og Nye Borgerlige.

But this is just a part of the failed educational policies of the past decades which focus on economies of scale, where students have been turned into numbers in a spreadsheet. This has grave consequences for mental and physical well-being, when a pervasive performance and competition culture has for many years served to rush us through the door of education and straight onto the job market. These are the tendencies which make us sick with stress, depression and anxiety. Never before has mental well-being among young people been a bigger issue than now. We are becoming sick before we have even arrived at the job market.

Simultaneously, the students of today have become punching bags for an older generation, making us and the students of the future responsible for solving global challenges such as climate change, diversity issues, growing inequality, all-encompassing tech-giants, and pandemics. This calls for real change at the universities across this country if we are to succeed.

We stand stronger together – join the common cause

The largest student rebellion Denmark has seen since 1968. Students joined hand in hand and fought for better teaching and learning environments. Since then, the influence of the students has been gradually shrinking. Our democratic power is weakening year by year, and we are living in a society where students no longer feel heard or represented. How many students feel that they have a real influence at their university today? All over the country the rate of participation in student elections has become lower year over year; fewer students believe that they can make a real difference within the framework which they are currently in. Enough is enough! There is a need for students across higher education programs and universities to once more come together and rebel!

Student Rebellion ‘22

We call for a national student rebellion, where all are invited to join a common cause, so that we together can make a difference. Join our Facebook group: Studenteroprøret ’22 – where we will coordinate the collective effort. Here you can read our manifesto for the Student Rebellion ‘22, which has been signed by students from Copenhagen University, Aarhus University, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Business School and Roskilde University, and today, December 17, 2021, it has been published in the national newspaper Politiken with the following headlines:

I. We demand a new University Act

II. Refinancing of higher education

III. Reject the political agreement referred to as “Flere og Bedre Uddannelsesmuligheder til hele Danmark”

IV. Stop the learn-and-apply logic in our education system

V. Increase unemployment benefits for new graduates

We look forward to fighting a national battle for new grounds for education!

Signed by:

Cecilie Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School, Politisk Kommunikation og Ledelse

David Almegaard, Copenhagen Business School, Shipping and Trade

Laura Friis Tørsleff, Copenhagen Business School, Politisk Kommunikation og Ledelse

Oliver Anton,  Copenhagen Business School, Politisk Kommunikation og Ledelse

Ian Felix Dejean, Copenhagen Business School, Management of Creative Business Processes

Morten Levinsen, Copenhagen Business School, Business Administration and Philosophy

Cecilie Hannah Sørensen, Københavns Universitet, Jura

Elizabeth Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School, Politisk Kommunikation og Ledelse

Josefine Lykkegaard, Copenhagen Business School, Erhvervsøkonomi og filosofi

Michelle Rove, Københavns Universitet, Antropologi

Rachel Raffnsøe, Aarhus Universitet, Idéhistorie

Sanja Loncarevic, Københavns Universitet, Sociologi

Sofie Paxevanos, Aarhus Universitet, Anthropology of Education and Globalisation

Oskar Hammer Sylvestersen, Roskilde Universitet, Politik og Forvaltning

Emilie Rahbek Neess, Roskilde Universitet, Humanistisk Teknologi

Daniel Thomsen, Roskilde Universitet, Humanistisk Teknologi

Naomi Lupan, Københavns Universitet, Retorik

Navid Molaaghaei, Københavns Universitet, Mellemøstens sprog og samfund

Mads Steenholt Christensen, Københavns Universitet, Økonomi

Tom Weinreich, Københavns Universitet, Teologi

Julius Gotthardt Møller, Københavns Universitet, Sociologi

Maria Langmark Knudsen, Københavns Universitet, Mellemøstens sprog og samfund

Arendse Illum, tidl. Københavns Universitet, Mellemøstens Sprog og Samfund

Lea Elias Isen, Københavns Universitet, Tysk sprog og kultur

Amanda Holt Dihver Christensen, Aalborg Universitet, Global Refugee Studies

Jens Ulvedahl, Københavns Universitet, Europæisk Etnologi

Frederikke Efryd Vejen-Jensen, Københavns Universitet, Engelsk

Signe Marie Gammelgaard Gade, Københavns Universitet, Indianske sprog og kulturer

Valdemar Oskar Bülow Jensen, Københavns Universitet, Økonomi

Anders Streitz Kjærulff, Københavns Universitet, Økonomi

Tiril Vergara Lewis, Københavns Universitet, Sociologi

Viktoria Uhrskov, Københavns Universitet, Sociologi

Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther, Københavns Universitet, Religions Videnskab

Dagmar Engelbrecht Henriksen, Københavns Universitet, sociologi

Christian Sowe, Københavns Universitet, sociologi

Izabella Garnett, Københavns Universitet, Europæisk etnolog

Cille Aspelund Arnecke, Københavns Universitet, indianske sprog og kulturer

Simone Sell, Københavns Universitet, sociologi

Josefine Ahrensbøll Schultz, Københavns Universitet, sociologi


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