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Copenhagen Business School

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New organization of CBS can have a big impact on employees  

As part of the new strategy under development, five units are undergoing reorganization, which can result in major changes for the employees involved. According to two shop stewards, the Senior Management cannot eliminate layoffs. The shop stewards say the announcement of the new organization is bad timing and encourage CBS to do everything to avoid layoffs.

IT was well-prepared when CBS closed down… until unforeseen challenges arose

CBS’ IT department had spent weeks before the actual lockdown testing different solutions for working at home – in case CBS had to close. Since then, they have helped move campus life online while preventing system overloads. Now, IT is fighting hackers and figuring out how to hand over computers and phones to new employees.

Now coronavirus has consequences for CBS staff and students

No Thursday bars in March, no annual celebration, fewer study seats at the libraries and fewer classes on campus. Coronavirus has resulted in a number of initiatives to avoid spreading the infection that has infected two students and put three individuals from CBS in precautionary quarantine at home.

What should CBS’ new strategy cover? Five people from CBS have some ideas

More time for staff representatives, excellent teaching and research, outreach to society, inclusive and innovative learning environments. CBS is midway through drawing up a new strategy to replace the current one. CBS WIRE has talked to five people from different corners of CBS about their wishes for the new strategy.

Job satisfaction survey: TAP and VIP have trouble seeing career opportunities at CBS

In the new job satisfaction survey, both TAP and VIP agree that career opportunities are not sufficiently transparent at CBS and that there hasn’t been good follow up on the 2016 survey. However, confidence in the Senior Management has improved. The results are up for discussion at the General Consultation Committee meeting on Friday December 13.

Sexist language and offensive behavior: CBS suspends 25 students for violating intro rules

25 students and intro guides have been temporarily suspended from CBS for violating intro activity rules. An additional 44 intro guides have received letters of consultation. Now, the concept of intro weeks is up for discussion, yet again. “Deeply disappointing,” says the President of CBS. “It’s terrible that some students have got off to a bad start,” says the President of CBS Students.

Senior Management approves projects to reach CBS sustainability goals for 2025

In May, CBS announced a sustainability action plan with concrete goals. Now, the Senior Management has approved a portfolio of projects, also known as the CBS Green Program, to meet the goals. The portfolio includes, for example, technologies to minimize water consumption, increased waste sorting across campus, and right now a soccer field is taking shape by the water tower.

TAP, VIP and students go to the ballot boxes to vote for CBS’ future

Students and staff will be electing members to the Board of Directors, the Academic Council and study boards during the elections in week 47. Current members of the Board of Directors and the Academic Council explain why students and staff should seize their chance to influence how CBS is run.

CBS co-develops national recommendations to attract more international graduates to the Danish job market

The education sector and business industry have launched seven recommendations to encourage more international students to embark on careers in Denmark after graduation. CBS had an important seat at the table, explains Tom Dahl-Østergaard, who advocates more language flexibility in the business sector. The recommendations have now been handed to the Minister for Higher Education and Science.

One department now has its own recycling station and it could spread to all of CBS

Astrid Tøttenborg and Marie Hansen from Student Hub were frustrated that they couldn’t sort their waste at work. Now, they have four recycling bins working as a pilot project for scaling up the initiative to cover all CBS offices and departments. This aim is supported by the results from the recent recycling project at Spisestuerne, which are so promising that it’s likely to spread to all CBS canteens.

CBS to introduce designated smoking areas in December

Senior Management and Campus Services have agreed to introduce designated smoking areas in CBS’ outdoor areas starting with Solbjerg Plads in December. The Head of Campus Services explains that ‘smoke police’ will not be lurking around outside, and answers why CBS isn’t introducing a smoke-free policy just yet.

The Confederation of Danish Industry: CBS must be better at showing what research it does

It is too difficult to figure out what research CBS researchers do, if you ask Mette Fjord Sørensen, Head of Research, Higher Education and Diversity at the Confederation of Danish Industry. And at a time when natural sciences are in the spotlight, humanities and social sciences need to step up and show how they can be useful to society and companies, she argues.

Diversity Day: “You can’t hire your way to the benefits of diversity”

Diversity is a vital aspect of disrupting and innovating, but you cannot acquire it simply by hiring a diverse work force, argue Florence Villeséche and Alex Klinge, researchers at CBS. As co-organizers of this year’s Diversity Day on October 8, they are aiming to investigate how diversity and innovation go hand in hand and what role research plays in making diversity a success.

New organization of CBS can have a big impact on employees  by

  • News

    Staff layoffs: What happens if you’re fired

    The clock is ticking. On Thursday morning (5 October), CBS employees will know if they are up for dismissal or not. But what will happen on the day? What emotional stages are you likely to encounter? And who will be there to pick you up when you are feeling the blow of being laid off? CBS WIRE has talked to HR and the consulting agency Actief Hartmanns to provide you with answers.

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    Network, network, network – CBS graduates advise on getting your first job

    There are many approaches to finding your first job. Three recent CBS graduates talk about how they landed theirs. Their approaches were quite different, yet they all highlight networking as a key element.

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    A-Z of the dismissals

    In these final days of September, the fate of a number of CBS employees is being decided. The final amount of money saved on salaries via voluntary severance agreements (aka redundancy packages, Ed.) and senior agreements will be known.  After this, the actual number of employees up for dismissal will be decided by management – and then the individuals will be selected.

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    Layoffs break the crucial trust between organisation and employee

    CBS is laying off a number of employees soon, which will affect our university in different ways. When employees are fired without having done anything wrong, it shatters the trust between the organisation and employees, while also taking a toll on productivity, according to a CBS expert. Layoffs also affect the ‘survivors’, who are forced to adapt to a changed workload and the loss of cherished colleagues.

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    Here to help – at the touch of a button and at Campus Desk

    Exam anxiety? Lost student card? I’ve wedged my car between a Fiat 500 and a lamp post, can you help? You never know what you’ll be asked next. But that’s just how the Campus Desk team like it. And if they can’t fix your problem, they’ll know someone who can. CBS WIRE asked the team about the whole range of topics they advice on every day.

  • Gif of the week
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    CBS Quiz Time: Unraveling the success story

    A successful university environment such as CBS is often associated with academic pursuits, but campus life extends far beyond the classroom. At CBS Quiz Time, a student society motivated by creative thinking and social engagement, students join in a refreshing range of creativity, excitement, and social interaction. CBS WIRE talked to Celine Møller-Andersen to find out about the society’s vision, strategies and the factors that are driving its rapid expansion.

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    Why so sudden? The CBS financial crisis explained

    Employees and union representatives have posed many questions in the wake of the 17 August announcement of a firing round. In this interview, University Director Arnold Boon explains how Senior Management has been working with the budget and a change of financial strategy since the fall of 2022, and why layoffs are now necessary.

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