The president of CBS invites EVERYONE to take part in celebrating love
On Saturday August 17 the annual Copenhagen Pride Parade will take place in the streets of the capital, and this year the president of CBS Nikolaj Malchow-Møller urges students, staff and friends of CBS to wear a rainbow tie and join the celebration under the motto ‘Love Suits Everyone’.
Last Friday, president of CBS Nikolaj Malchow-Møller sent out an email to all staff members, students and friends of CBS where he invited everyone to take part in this year’s Copenhagen Pride Parade. According to the president, it’s important for CBS to join the parade to continue to develop the university as an inclusive workplace and educational institution.
“Copenhagen Pride is a great opportunity to remind each other that openness and tolerance doesn’t always happen by itself. It requires our continued and collective efforts,” Nikolaj Malchow-Møller says.
“Hopefully, our engagement opens up for new conversation, discussion and perspectives. In any case, it’s important that everyone has the space and courage to unfold, to think freely and be innovative.”
A celebration of day-to-day efforts
When CBS joins the Copenhagen Pride Parade on Saturday, it’ll be the third time the institution participates in celebrating love for everyone under the motto ‘Love Suits Everyone’. And just like the last couple of times, participants in the CBS part of the parade will be handed a free rainbow tie or a t-shirt with the motto ‘Love Suits Everyone’ printed on the front.
But according to Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, partying in rainbow colors alone doesn’t create more tolerance or openness at CBS in a single day.
“After all, inclusion and openness are not enabled in one single day or by a single event. It’s a long tough move and a conversation that never ends,” he says.
“Therefore, Copenhagen Pride can be seen as a celebration of day-to-day efforts at CBS to create more inclusive environments for study and work that create room for diversity and difference.”
Continuing efforts for diversity
These days, several grocery shops, kiosks, banks and cultural institutions in Copenhagen have rainbow banners on the façade of their buildings. And just like CBS, more and more institutions have joined in expressing their support for Copenhagen Pride in recent years.
According to Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, CBS’ participation can help remind staff and students to continue their efforts in the name of diversity.
“Like many other modern companies, CBS also supports Copenhagen Pride. As I see it, it’s an opportunity to remind ourselves that no matter how well we’re doing day-to-day, we must continue to make an effort and come up with initiatives that create room for diversity and ensure that we remain open to other perspectives,” he says.
At CBS, Copenhagen Pride is also part of an academic discipline of diversity and queer studies as much as it is part of a social responsibility of inclusion at the university. To emphasize this, Nikolaj Malchow-Møller writes in his email invitation, CBS is also involved in a series of events and debates during Pride Week leading up to the big parade.
If you’re interested in participating in these events or debates you can see the full program via the link below.