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Copenhagen Business School

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Copenhagen Business School

The five best green areas in Copenhagen

Vestre Kirkegård. (Photo: Meredith Braden)

Spring is finally here! Or at least, we got a taste of what sunshine and warmer temperatures feel like after an eternal winter. According to our student writer Caroline Sølver, you should definitely spend an hour or two in good company in some of the green areas and parks in Copenhagen.

Guide |   15. May 2018

Caroline Sølver


Danes are the happiest people on Earth when the sun is shining. Everyone jumps outside after a long winter hiatus, wears their biggest smile and acts like it’s the warmest summer day. So, are you looking for a nice park or a green area where you can get a suntan, eat a huge ice cream or just sit down with a good book? Here are Caroline Sølver’s top five!

The secret Haveselskabets Have in Frederiksberg Gardens

Frederiksberg Gardens offer several unique places, from the beautiful yellow castle standing majestically on top of a hill, to the spot where you can greet the elephants at the zoo, to the lake and the Chinese pavilion. The garden is grand and beautiful, and includes a hidden area: the Haveselskabets Have that you enter from the main entrance to the garden. But instead of walking through the main entrance, you take the entrance to the left. This will lead you to Haveselskabets Have. The garden is quieter, full of flowers and makes you feel as though you are far away from the busy, bustling city.

A must in Copenhagen – the King’s Garden

An absolute must and a sure winner! The garden was landscaped in 1606, and as the name suggests, it was the garden of King Christian IV, who is known for establishing lots of famous landmarks throughout the city such as Christianshavn, Rundetårn (the Round Tower) and Børsen (the Stock Exchange). The King’s Garden is the home of Rosenborg Castle, and is still kept in its original Baroque style: perfectly mowed lawns, symmetrical avenues with trees and flowers planted at a perfect, proportional distance from each other. Simply a must when in Copenhagen!

Kongens Have. (Photo: Caroline Sølver)

Peace and quiet in Vestre Kirkegård

Vestre Kirkegård means ‘West Cemetery’ and, compared to its more central competitor, Assistens Kirkegård, Vestre Kirkegård in Valby, it doesn’t get a lot of attention despite being the biggest cemetery in Denmark. It’s enormous and has the most gorgeous boulevard with trees perfectly and precisely lined up next to each other, which is a favorite of photographers who travel far and wide to photograph it. With the cemetery not being that well known, it has the benefit of not being overly crowded, so you can get a moment to just relax and enjoy.

Dyrehaven for ice cream and deer

Although Dyrehaven is located around 12 kilometers from Nørreport Station, it is worth the bike ride! And if you’re not up for it, you can take the S-train to Klampenborg Station instead. The nature reserve includes woodlands, deer, lakes and even an amusement park called Bakken, which means ‘the hill’. Admission is free and if you manage to cycle to Dyrehaven to watch the deer and take a long walk, then you deserve a big ice cream at Bakken.

The Royal Library Garden

It’s not just Frederiksberg Gardens that hides a secret inside. Christiansborg Palace has one too! Hidden in the back behind the Royal Library, you’ll find the Royal Library Garden, which is astonishing. The hidden oasis offers a meditative vibe, a nice lake, and who knows: you might even catch a politician on their lunchbreak.

So, what are you waiting for? Put on your shorts, grab a friend and hop on your bike to explore some of the nicest areas of Copenhagen.


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