Senior Management approves projects to reach CBS sustainability goals for 2025

In May, CBS announced a sustainability action plan with concrete goals. Now, the Senior Management has approved a portfolio of projects, also known as the CBS Green Program, to meet the goals. The portfolio includes, for example, technologies to minimize water consumption, increased waste sorting across campus, and right now a soccer field is taking shape by the water tower.
If you have passed by the old water tower next to Kilen, you might have noticed that a large area has been excavated. By spring, it will be a soccer field for CBS students and faculty members.
The soccer field is just one project that supports the CBS Green Program, which has just been approved by the Senior Management as a way for CBS to fulfill its Campus Sustainability Strategy.

(Illustration: Schul Landskabsarkitekter)
The strategy covers three aspects of sustainability: social, environmental and economic, and the football field is part of supporting both the social study environment at CBS as well as the health of students and faculty members.
Since April 2018, Tore Klitgaard, Sustainable Design Developer at CBS and co-author of the action plan, has been working on the strategy and various pilot projects and ideas for projects to meet the goals set in the strategy. And he’s thrilled by the approval from the Senior Management.
“It’s a milestone that the Senior Management has approved the initiatives and projects to meet the goals set for 2025. We are now ready to push the button and are good to go,” he says.
Kirsten Winther Jørgensen, University Director at CBS, shares Tore Klitgaard’s enthusiasm.
“It’s important for CBS to have concrete projects and initiatives that support our ambitions in the Campus Sustainability Strategy and its goals for 2020–2025, as well as having the organization and governance to secure the execution in place,” she says and continues:
“This means we know what must be done, and that we have a framework for following the projects and initiatives and tracking whether we are going in the right direction.”
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The projects and initiatives differ a great deal and therefore will not be launched together. Some projects are analyses, some are policies while others are projects.
For example, CBS is in a phase of analysis regarding how it can achieve a 100 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. On the other hand, the Senior Management has agreed to invest in water management tools and technologies to monitor and minimize wastewater across campus. This could include optimizing taps and toilets to minimize water use.
While some of the initiatives can be executed by Campus Services, many require a change of behavior and help from students and staff.
“Students and faculty members across CBS must be involved if we want to reach our goals. This includes our goal for waste sorting, transport policy, reuse of furniture and so on. Here, it is of utmost importance that we can mobilize all of CBS and that’s the reason for why, from the very beginning, it has been important that the CBS Green Program is open and involves people in its work with sustainability on campus,” says Kirsten Winther Jørgensen.
Tore Klitgaard particularly likes that the CBS Green Program can potentially change how we think about sustainability.
“The strategy and program force us to think differently. So, when we have a broken chair, we don’t just buy a new one but see whether we can repair it instead or even look in to ways of legal and affordable ways of leasing a chair,” he says.
Right now, Tore Klitgaard is in the middle of making waste sorting possible at all of six CBS canteens, as well as running pilot projects in different departments to collect more data on how waste sorting can be implemented across CBS. And then he reveals that it looks as if Solbjerg Plads will gain a deposit system for bottles and cans as a pilot project in the near future.
“We live in a time where business as usual isn’t sufficient, and we have to take on that mindset as well,” says Tore Klitgaard.