Fingopay is a hit and here to stay

During the spring and summer, students and staff at CBS had the opportunity to pay with their finger at Spisestuerne's cantina. The collaborators conclude on the project. (Photo: Anne M. Lykkegaard)
The pay-with-your-finger system at Spisestuerne at Solbjerg Plads is such a hit that it’s becoming permanent in all of CBS’ canteens. The system should be up and running and ready for more users before Christmas. Also, Nets has received several inquiries about the solution.
If you didn’t get the chance to register for the pay-with-your-finger system, Fingopay, at Spisestuerne during the summer, you’ll get the chance now.
Before Christmas, Spisestuerne will, together with the payment solutions company Nets and the biometrics service provider Sthaler, implement the solution throughout all of Spisestuerne’s six self-service canteens at CBS. This makes Spisestuerne the first place in the world to have the solution implemented in a self-service environment.
“We think it’s a great solution, and it offers a quick payment method. Since we shut down the enrollment in August, we’ve been inundated with phone calls from students and staff asking when it would be possible to register themselves. It shows that our customers are happy about the solution, and all we want is happy customers,” says Kim Frølund, IT Specialist at Spisestuerne, who gives the solution 10 out of 10 when it comes to convenience.
Esben Torpe Jørgensen, Director of Development and Governance at Nets, thinks the Fingopay solution is a great success.
“The solution has been a great success among students and staff, and we’ve got a lot of useful experience from our collaboration with Spisestuerne. We’re proud of the project and that the solution has been so well-received,” he says.
During the pilot project, 880 users signed up to have their Dankort connected to the vein pattern of one of their fingers. And between mid-April and August, the users made more than 6,000 transactions at the canteen at Solbjerg Plads, according to Fingopay.
At the moment, the scanners – in total 34 – are being installed at the canteens. Hereafter, Nets will have ambassadors on campus helping students, staff and everyone interested to sign up for the solution. (Fact box)
Are you ready to pay with your pinkie?
The pilot kicked off on April 19 and ran for four months. The main purpose was to see whether people would be interested in a so-called biometric payment solution.
“We wanted to test the user experience and the appetite among students and staff for biometric payment methods. The solution quickly became part of Spisestuerne due to the fact that it’s easy and safe to pay with your finger. It means a lot to us to create solutions that generate value for our customers,” says Esben Torpe Jørgensen.
The students seemed particularly excited about the solution and curious about the possibilities of biometric solutions, explains Kim Frølund.
“We’ve had students who have made projects about Fingopay, and students writing their theses about biometric solutions using Fingopay as a case study. In general, the people I have talked to think it’s a smart solution. However, you’ll always have a group of people who don’t buy into this,” he says.
Kim Frølund expects that the transactions made via Fingopay will represent about 10 percent of the total amount of transactions made with Dankort at Spisestuerne.
According to Nets, despite customers finding Fingopay easy to use, it was not that easy for them to register for the solution.
“We will continue to work on the registration process to make it easier and more comprehensible. For this solution, as well as future solutions,” says Esben Torpe Jørgensen, who explains that the project at Spisestuerne has created some interest.
“We have received quite a few inquiries and questions about the solution. It has certainly attracted some attention,” he says. However, at this point in time, Nets cannot reveal who’s going to take on the solution next.