CBS helps Ukrainian students by paying for their education over the summer

Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the International Office at CBS. Photo: Ida Eriksen.
Right now, CBS is helping three Ukrainian students who are entering CBS’ International Summer University Programme. “We are working together with Kharkiv National University in Ukraine and have offered them a free spot on relevant courses at CBS during the summer,” explains Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the International Office at CBS. Learn more about the initiative in this article and find out how you can help Ukrainian students.
Currently, many people and institutions all over the world are thinking about how they can make a difference to the Ukrainian people that are invaded by Russia.
Here at CBS, a large part of the last couple of months has been spent pondering that same question.
So, when the ambassador of Kharkiv National University reached out to CBS about establishing an extraordinary exchange program for Ukrainian students, it wasn’t hard to find the motivation to help.
“We feel that, as a university, we are obligated to try to help in any way we can. So, when we were contacted about accepting Ukrainian students to our summer university program, it was great to be able to say yes,” says Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the International Office at CBS.
Normally, the exchange works both ways, which would mean that students from CBS would also attend Kharkiv National University, but due to the war, this is not currently an option.
“Even though Kharkiv is peaceful right now, it was recently bombed to shreds by Russian forces – not least the university, which is actually 200 years old. So, this is an opportunity for students still in Ukraine who want to give their education a boost while studying in a safe environment,” Wilbert van der Meer elaborates.
Tricky finding student accommodation
So far, three Ukrainian students have signed up for the program that began on June 24 and ends on August 6.
Together with students from CBS and international students, the four Ukrainian students will attend the International Summer University Programme (ISUP), which focuses on entrepreneurship and provides a range of different courses on business strategies etc.
“It is a great way for students to gain international experience and learn about business. Also, a range of social activities are associated with the program, which we hope all the students will enjoy,” says Wilbert van der Meer.
Kai Hockerts, one of the CBS professors who will be teaching the Ukrainian students, is excited about the task.
“I am looking forward to the ideas that our summer university students will contribute. And for this reason, of course it is particularly great to have Vladiyslava, Yeva, and Danylo from Ukraine on our course because they can add a unique perspective on the world right now,” Kai Hockerts says, adding that the long-term idea of the exchange program is for CBS students to also be able to go on exchange in Kharkiv.
“When I met the rector, it was an obvious idea to allow students from Kharkiv to join CBS’ summer university. And we hope that, at some point in the future, we will also be able to allow CBS students to take courses at Kharkiv National University,” he says.
if you have an extra room in your house or an empty apartment that you are willing to offer up for Ukrainian students for a limited period, please do contact us as soon as possible
Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the International Office at CBS
CBS needs your help
The cost of attending the ISU Programme is about DKK 10,000 per student, and CBS is covering this amount for the Ukrainian students.
“Unfortunately, we are not allowed to pay for the students’ flights and stay in Copenhagen. Therefore, we have reached out to FIH partners who, as a company, have sponsored living costs for some of the students,” Wilbert van der Meer explains.
CBS plans to invite more students from Ukraine to attend the education programs during the fall and this is where you, as a student or an employee at CBS, can be of great help.
“Finding homes for these students has turned out to be tricky. So, if you have an extra room in your house, for example, or an empty apartment that you are willing to offer up for Ukrainian students for a limited period, please do contact us as soon as possible,” says Wilbert van der Meer.
Write to Wilbert van der Meer at email: if you are interested in helping Ukrainian students.