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Awaiting an exciting future while dreading exams: Meet six CBS students

Photo: Emilie Jacobsen

What are the students at CBS excited about this upcoming term? And what do they fear most about starting or finishing a university education? CBS WIRE met six students – some on their first semester and some finishing their educational programmes – for a talk about the ups and downs of being students.

News |   14. Sep 2022

Emilie Jacobsen

Freelance journalist

CBS WIRE met new and more experienced students enjoying a break in the sunshine just outside Solbjerg Plads Campus. Our question was: What are your hopes and fears about the upcoming semester.

Daniel Falck, a third-semester student taking a BSc in Business Administration, Market Dynamics and Cultural Analysis, is especially hoping to pick up tools that he can apply to his own business: a marketing agency specialising in market research and strategies on social media.

Daniel Falck, student of BSc in Business Administration, Market Dynamics and Cultural Analysis. Photo: Emilie Jacobsen

“This term, I’m particularly hoping to learn how to balance the books and the rules related to taxes and VAT (valued added tax). I’m also looking forward to a course on marketing strategy based on a course last year called Global Market Audit that I liked. Both courses are about making a business strategy, which I find interesting. Then just having the opportunity to spar with my professor as a discussion partner in relation to my own company and how to evolve it,” he says.

When asked what he is not so excited about, he is quite clear that he is not too fond of the subject Cultural Insight and Behavioural Studies.

“It builds on a course last year about statistics that I was not that crazy about. But it will be okay, I think,” he says.

Emilia Sofia Bjergkilde, student of BSc in Business Administration, Market Dynamics and Cultural Analysis. Photo: Emilie Jacobsen

Next to Daniel is Emilia Sofia Bjergkilde, who is also on her third semester of the BSc in Business Administration, Market Dynamics and Cultural Analysis programme. However, she is excited about the Cultural Insight and Behavioural Studies course.

“I love courses with a lot of analysis,” she says.

She is also keen to learn more about accounting.

“I work in a bank, and it will definitely add to the knowledge I have already acquired from my job,” she says.

On the other hand, she is dreading the exams in the upcoming term since, as she puts it: “they are very nerve-racking.”

Emilie Højgaard, student of MSc in International Business and Politics. Photo: Emilie Jacobsen

Emilie Højgaard, a first-semester master’s student of International Business and Politics, is excited about actually being physically present on campus this term.

“Even though I physically attended lecturers during my first semester at CBS, this feels like the first time I’m really going to be here full time. Back then, I had a number of terms where I was primarily studying from home and when the world opened up again, I went on exchange. So, being back is definitely exciting,” she says.

She is also looking forward to getting to know her fellow students on the master’s programme.

“Many international students know each other from the bachelor’s programme and then some from other programmes like me. I’m looking forward to all of us getting to know each other better. I feel that the chemistry is good and everyone is very dedicated,” she says.

However, she is not so keen on the long exam period coming up this winter.

“Our exam period lasts a month and a half from the end of November to January. I’m not particularly looking forward to that,” she says.

Mathias Kristensen, student of BSc in Economics and Business Administration. Photo: Emilie Jacobsen

Mathias Kristensen, a fifth-semester student on the BSc in Economics and Business Administration programme, expects the upcoming semester to be more relaxed than the previous ones.

“This year, I will be taking elective courses and have chosen courses with fewer deadlines than some of the courses I have taken before. The courses interest me a lot. Especially Decision theory – models and methods. Although it might sound largely theory based, the course actually has lots of maths, which is just great!” he says.

He is a bit more reluctant about taking courses in English.

“I find that I need to translate more in my head when the lecturer is speaking English. Reading in English and then having lectures in Danish is easy enough, but I am a bit worried about how it will be when the lecturer is speaking English as well,” he says.

Louise Gudrun Rald Kaspersen, student of BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law. Photo: Emilie Jacobsen

For Louise Gudrun Rald Kaspersen, a first-semester BSc student of Business Administration and Commercial Law, the most thrilling aspect of this term is being able to grow intellectually and personally.

“I’m anticipating diving into the course material, finding a student job and starting the path that will shape my future,” she says.

The part of her education programme that entails maths, like the course Microeconomics, sounds a bit less thrilling to Louise Kaspersen.

“I’m a bit afraid of the level of complexity and how I will do in the exam,” she says.

Aysenur Filik, student of BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law. Photo: Emilie Jacobsen

Another fresher studying for a BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law who wonders whether she can keep up during exams is Aysenur Filik.

“I’m concerned about how much time I’ll need to spend on studying and whether I am prepared enough,” she says.

At the same time, she is eager to immerse herself in the part of her studies that focuses on law, having already taken a degree as a Financial Controller.

“I have always been interested in law. I spent last year working at an accountancy firm and that only confirmed my interest. Right now, I’m just eager to get the competences that will prepare me for my remaining years of study,” she says.




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