Top 10: What’s under the Christmas tree this year?

Christmas Eve is fast approaching, and for the well-organized the last presents are already in. But what items are trending this year? Two CBS researchers know the answer. PhD Fellow, Niels Buus Lassen and Associate Researcher, René Madsen have trawled Google for this year’s most sought-after gifts to make a top 10 list. Maybe some of them will be under your tree too?
Christmas shopping. It doesn’t matter if you love it or loathe it – either way, it has to be done.
Sometimes it’s easy: you’re just handed a list. At other times, you have to switch on the sixth sense: What do they want this year? Michelle Obama’s biography? Cool pajamas? Or that Bluetooth speaker?
CBS WIRE asked PhD Fellow, Niels Buus Lassen and Associate Researcher, René Madsen from the Department of Digitalization at CBS, to trawl Google’s search engine and make a list of the 10 top-trending Christmas gifts this year.
They used the tool, Google Trends, which is an algorithm to figure out what Danes search for when looking for Christmas gifts.
They used the Danish search terms, ‘Julegave’, ‘Julegaver’ and ‘Juleønsker’ (Christmas gift, Christmas gifts and wishes for Christmas), as they are the most used, according to Niels Buus Lassen. He explains that they used Google because 80-90 percent of all internet searchers are made through this search engine.
“I’m not going to put my head on the block, but most of the listed items we have on this list will be under the Christmas tree. However, this list was made on December 10, so we only have data from some of the people who buy presents in the final days running up to Christmas. But this gives us a pretty good idea of what’s trending this year,” says Niels Buus Lassen.
Maybe some of these nifty gifts will be under your Christmas tree this year too?
Niels Buus Lassen and René Madsen’s TOP 10
1: Apple Airpods
“There’s no doubt that Apple Airpods are a hit this year. They showed up in all of our searches,” says Niels Buus Lassen.
“I read somewhere not long ago that Apple is aware that iPhone sales are stagnating. So now they’re focused on iPhone accessories instead. Also, they know that people will keep throwing either one or both of the Airpods away, so they need to buy new ones – maybe even a few pairs per phone,” says René Madsen.
2: Google Home
This summer and autumn saw Google Home – the loudspeaker combined with Google Assistant – a lot of publicity in Australia and the USA. And all that hype has resulted in a second place on Niels Buus Lassen and René Madsen’s top 10 list.
The loudspeaker company, SONOS also features on the list of trending Christmas gifts this year. Bluetooth speakers are in general, according to Niels Buus Lassen and Rene Madsen, trending this year.
“It’s worth mentioning that SONOS was more sought-after on Black Friday compared to Google Home. However, for Christmas Google Home overhaul SONOS,” says Niels Buus Lassen.
4: Tablets
Tablets, especially iPads, continue to be favored Christmas gifts.
5: Smartphone
Although many smartphones cost several thousand Kroner, they’re still among the top Google searches on the list. Especially around Black Friday.
“A lot of people bought new smartphones on Black Friday; however, many of those are likely to end up under the Christmas tree,” says Niels Buus Lassen.
6: Vibholm – Maanesten
The jewelry company, Vibholm is topping the list with their collection ‘Maanesten’.
7: Anni Lu
Jewelry from the Danish company, Anni Lu will definitely be found under Denmark’s Christmas trees this year.
In general, jewelry is trending; however, one jewelry firm is conspicuous by their absence from the list, points out Niels Buus Lassen.
“Pandora has previously been very trendy and people would buy a lot of it. However, this year, Pandora is not even on the list. But that’s the thing with trends. Some years it’s hot, others it’s not,” he says.
8: Urban Outfitters
You might wonder why the retailer Urban Outfitters is on the list. According to Niels Buus Lassen, Christmas gift shoppers have searched for Urban Outfitters an awful lot; however, they can’t quite tell what people are actually buying there, as you can get clothing, home décor and electronics.
Then you might be wondering why stores like H&M and Zara are not on the list. Niels Buus Lassen explains:
“It’s obvious that gifts from H&M and Zara will be under the Christmas tree, but the reason they don’t show up on this list is because people already know what they can find in H&M and Zara. They don’t have to google it beforehand. But they have to google what they can buy at Urban Outfitters, which is one of the reasons why that store is trending this year,” he says.
9: Gift cards
A classic for those who don’t have a Christmas wish list.
10: Experience gifts
“This is a nice way to give away DKK 500,” says René Madsen about experience gifts, such a brunch for two, parachute jumping or tickets to the movies.
That’s weird
René Madsen and Niels Buus Lassen used the words Christmas gift, Christmas gifts and wishes for Christmas in order to make the list of Google trends. But obviously, things other than this year’s trending Christmas gifts showed up in their search.
“People have asked Google where the tradition of Christmas gift-giving originates,” says Niels Buus Lassen who found himself scratching his head when the following showed up:
“For some reason, the companies Danfoss and Novo Nordisk seem to trend in the searches for Christmas gifts. And it seems that the staff at Novo Nordisk have been given Kaj Boyesen’s Monkey made out of wood this year. And apparently, some don’t like it so they are reselling it online, which is why it has gained a lot of hits,” he says.