Tuesday, 18 August, 15:00-16:00: Pride: A new civil religion? (Tent 1: David Kato, Copenhagen City Hall Square)
A pride parade is a public (and loud) celebration of the values that a democracy cannot do without: Tolerance, inclusivity, consideration for others. Collective confirmations of these values are often associated with the concept of a ‘civil religion’: Pride events celebrate universal values as public rituals, but they can also cause friction in society. They can be hijacked by businesses and political groups. What will it take to keep Pride as an open public ritual in the future?
Participants: Interviewer: Lars Henriksen (Foreperson, Copenhagen Pride), Stefan Schwarzkopf (Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School), Sine Nørholm Just (Professor, Roskilde University) and Jannick Friis Christensen (Postdoc., Copenhagen Business School)
Wednesday, 19 August, 12:00-13:00: CBS Thesis Saloon (Tent 1: David Kato, Copenhagen City Hall Square)
Bachelor’s and master’s theses at Copenhagen Business School are the culmination of studies by students with a passion for their subjects. We’ve created the CBS Thesis Saloon as a venue where students can present their theses focused on subjects like LGBTI+, pride and diversity. Prepare yourself to be challenged on what you think you know. The goal is to educate and inspire broadly held opinions and assumptions from an academic perspective.
Thursday, 20 August, 16:30-17:30: Talk: LGBTI employee networks (Tent 1: David Kato, Copenhagen City Hall Square)
Can you use an LGBTI+ employee network for more than w(h)ining and dining? Two experts are interviewed about the merits of these networks, which are often criticized for having minimal influence on improving working conditions for minorities. The networks often evolve into separate units that are excluded from other institutions. On the other hand, they can empower the diversity that would otherwise be cowed by more dominant workplace culture. We will discuss pros and cons as well as best practices.
Participants: Interviewer: Jannick Friis Christensen (Postdoc, Copenhagen Business School), Dr. Anna Einarsdottir (Senior Lector, The York Management School, University of York) and Ulla Dalsgaard (Nordic Learning Partner at IBM, and Founder of the Danish LGBT Business Network)
Saturday, 22 August, 18:30-19:30: Digital Copenhagen Pride Parade (TV2 Lorry / Online Event)
Even without the iconic parade through the streets of Frederiksberg and Copenhagen that we know and love, Copenhagen Pride has come through with flying colors and a digital solution that is festive, educational, and inspiring – and highlights important moments that have led to the need for a pride march. CBS will participate with a video featuring President Nikolaj Malchow-Møller.
Saturday, 22 August, 19:45-21:45: Copenhagen Pride Show (TV2 Lorry / Online Event)
This year’s Pride Show will be a unique celebration – in a digital format that will keep your eyes spellbound and leave you speechless. The Pride Show will be Denmark’s first XR (eXtended Reality) experience and it will combine the show, people, and technology as one enchanting total experience.