DanSTAR – a successful student rocketry association based at DTU – wants to enlist CBS students and their competences. CBS WIRE followed along on an excursion to the rocket garage.
Monday evening, CBS Students elected David Johannes Treschow Ellebye, who formerly represented CBS Conservative & Liberal Students (CLS), as its new president.
He promises to work to bring back Nexus Thursdays and fight the political reforms.
For Associate Professor Kalle Johannes Rose, his YouTube channel about risk-based compliance serves many purposes. It is both a personal tool to help him structure and explain the material as well as an opportunity to reach out to people working with compliance and for them to ask questions before he finishes a new book. He believes that researchers should think differently about how they communicate their research, and that CBS could do a better job of helping them.
What will digitalisation look like in the future? That is a hot topic for discussion at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the yearly international conference of the Association for Information Systems, which returns this week to Denmark after 32 years.
Students from CBS are promoting their private parties on social media by using names related to Café Nexus. “It is piggybacking on their brand and is unacceptable,” says CBS Students. According to the hosts of the private parties, they are simply trying to draw parallels to the good vibes from Café Nexus in their events.
CBS’ Senior Management and HR recently published new guidelines on what to do if you are sexually harassed. Read a summary of the main points and learn why speaking up is crucial if you’ve been violated as an employee at CBS.
Thursday 1 September, new students at CBS were welcomed at the first ever Bachelor Kick-off event at KB Hallen. Here, students were given advice on how to cope with student life while also managing the stress of entering a new whole era of their lives. The main tip of the day: Remember to take breaks and have fun.
Are you a student at CBS and can you write enthusiastic and inspiring blog posts about your everyday life? Then you might be exactly what we are looking for!
More students and employees at CBS should make an effort to help the green agenda, but not necessarily everyone at our university has to join in, according to Hanne Harmsen, CBS’ Vice Dean of Green Transition. “I don’t believe in universities with a single agenda,” she says, adding that we also need our politicians to acknowledge the importance of social sciences when solving our climate crisis.
Right now, CBS is helping three Ukrainian students who are entering CBS’ International Summer University Programme. “We are working together with Kharkiv National University in Ukraine and have offered them a free spot on relevant courses at CBS during the summer,” explains Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the International Office at CBS. Learn more about the initiative in this article and find out how you can help Ukrainian students.
CBS WIRE is looking for a journalist who also wants to take on the role as editor in chief – could it be you? Then apply before Friday June 10’th!