New book: Investment is for women – and everyone else

On October 1 Female Invest released a new investment-handbook entitled ”Ready, Set, Invest” (Klar, Parat, Investér). (Photo: Jakob Slyngborg Trolle)
Female Invest has quickly become a big investment organization for women. Now the CBS students behind the project are ready with a new book that offers advice for beginners who want to start investing.
The numbers are clear. Men own 68 percent of the stock market.. But Female Invest, an investment organisation driven by four CBS-students, wants to make the road a little less bumpy for women who want to get into investment.
”On October 1 we released a new investment-handbook entitled ”Ready, Set, Invest” (Klar, Parat, Investér). It doesn’t tell you WHERE to invest, but what to consider when getting started,” says one of the authors of the book and founders of Female Invest, Anna-Sophie Hartigsen.
After a brief silence the other three authors and founders, Emma Bitz, Laura Hardahl and Caroline Stasig exclaim: But it’s for everybody!
Women need to invest
But is investment really for everybody, and why is it so important to get more women engaged?
”I used to work in a bank and I saw so many women who had lost their husbands – who had always handled the money – and these women were left in a situation where they didn’t know how to manage their money. Women live longer than men, and with divorce rates skyrocketing as well, it’s becoming more and more urgent for women to learn how to invest their own money,” says Emma Bitz.
And – even though the ownership-percentage of the stock market could indicate otherwise – women are great at investing.
“Women are great investors. There is something about the thoroughness of women that makes them good at investing their money. Whereas men are often more confident and take more risks when investing, women are more risk averse and take their time figuring out where to put their money,” says Emma Bitz.
And there is a lot of merit to this assertion. Studies from Nykredit show, that women has achieved better stock market-returns than men in the last nine out of thirteen years.
It’s not political… Or is it?
But is this a political movement? Is the trend of women on the frontline of investment-ventures the next natural step towards economic freedom and equality?
”We are not a political organization. We just want to educate women. Give them the tools to understand this part of the business world and give them a safespace where there are no stupid questions. A political message often distort the message and we want to keep a clear focus,” says Emma Bitz.
” We have no goal for the gender-ratio being 50/50 when it comes to investing. We just want to give women the right tools to enter the market, if they have the talent for it,” says Laura Hardahl.
But with a name like Female Invest and a clear goal of getting more women into the investment-business, it’s sometimes hard to stay completely nonpolitical.
”It’s about giving more economic power to women, and that is of course a political battle,” Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen concludes.