Companies join waiting list for Danish Academic Job Fair

(Photo: Carla Altes Mas)
Seventy companies have already signed up for the Danish Academic Job Fair, and are all bringing details of vacant positions with them for new graduates, reports CBS’ Relations Manager.
Last year, the eight Danish universities joined forces online and hosted a first-ever career event together. On June 8, they will meet once again, and the spots available for companies are already taken.
Seventy companies, all with at least one vacant position for new graduates, are joining the event and, according to Relations Manager at CBS Mette Schroll Bennekou, companies are signing up for a waiting list.
“Companies are eager to meet the graduates and vice versa,” she says.
Thirteen of CBS’ partner companies are joining the fair, however, businesses from various sectors, such as engineering, are also taking part to find matches among the different types of graduates from the eight universities.
Depending on the number of graduates attending, room may be made for companies from the waiting list to join the event, says Mette Schroll Bennekou.
“We want to make sure that companies and organizations have multiple students to chat with, but it also has to be a good experience for the students, so, of course, we will consider adjusting the number of companies participating if the number of participating graduates increases significantly.”
Mette Schroll Bennekou expects between 150 – 200 vacant positions to be on display during the fair.
She acknowledges that by now, most students have had it with online events, but she urges the students and soon-to-be graduates to register.
“See it as an opportunity to get in touch with companies and organizations who are excited to meet new graduates. And it may be a chance to engage with some alternative businesses and organizations as well,” she says.