CBS WIRE’s top 10 most read stories of 2017

Even the snow doesn't hold them back from biking (Photo: Colville-Andersen, Flickr)
The story about two cleaning ladies at Solbjerg Plads was – for a long time – your favorite. That is, right until the last business language program at CBS was closed. Then a guide to SU-friendly restaurants popped up and that ended up taking the number one spot. Check out our list of the 10 most read stories on CBS WIRE last year. Did you miss any of them?
2017 was quite the year. In particular, one man with orange colored skin and a comb-over has taken up a lot of space in the news during the past year. We got familiar with the term ‘fake news’ and it felt like turning on the news was always going to be a bad idea – what could he possibly be up to now?
Luckily, Trump is not the only talk of the town in all of the media.
At CBS WIRE, we have only mentioned Trump a few times and he is not featured on the list of the 10 most read stories. Instead, you wanted to see what the new Nimbus Kollegiet looks like from the inside, get inspiration for cheap restaurants around Copenhagen, and understand what blockchain is all about.
10. CBS stops selling unfair access to students to companies
Until August this year, companies could ask CBS to send out invitations to students with the highest GPAs and invite them to special events. The practice was stopped due to criticisms from students who described the practice as unfair and opaque.
9. Three students have got a great green idea for CBS – now they are going to New York
In November, students from several schools and universities, including CBS, met at the Sustainable Campus Hackathon in order to come up with solutions for issues revolving around sustainability at CBS. Three students – two of whom are from CBS – came up with an idea to give people points for sustainable deeds. For example, riding a bike to school or work. The idea resulted in them getting first place at the hackathon.

Three students from University of Copenhagen and CBS came up with the best idea for last weekend’s Sustainable Campus Hackathon. Now, they are going to New York in order to present it. (Photo: Søren Degn Pedersen)
8. Does CBS top management have a problem with its style and structure?
In the wake of a job satisfaction survey, the Academic Council looked into why the academic staff has such a low level of confidence in the top management at CBS. CBS WIRE asked the top management what kind of consequences the report had.
7. Here’s the successor to the internet – and we don’t quite understand it
According to experts, blockchain technology will revolutionize the world just like the internet did. But what exactly is it, and how will it change the world as we know it? Four Ph.D. students from four different departments and CBS have set out to find out.

The four Ph.D. Students, Juan Giraldo, (top left), Casper Winther-Hansen (top right), Tomaz Sedej and Louise Fjord Kjærsgaard, are the coming years going to give us a better understanding of how blockchain works and how it can be used within various areas. (Photo: Anne M. Lykkegaard)
6. CEO and founder: “It was a total relief to leave my job”
Henrik Zillmer, CBS alum and founder of AirHelp, did not think he had the confidence needed to start up a company. However, in the end, he ended up quitting his job and going for it. Now, AirHelp spans over 30 countries. How did he get this far? By tapping into his ambition, of course.
5. Get a tour of CBS’ new, cool dorm: Nimbuskollegiet
On the 12th of January, 145 new students – some being Ph.D. and MBA students – are moving into CBS’ new dorm: Nimbuskollegiet. Niels Laursen, Inspector at CBS Academic Housing, gives us a tour of the place and it’s pretty cool.
4. They know every corner of Solbjerg Plads
For a long time, this was the most read story on CBS WIRE. Carolina Goral and Agata Durkin are in charge of making CBS’ facilities at Solbjerg Plads shine. Now you know who to pay your thanks to, as they are the ones who make sure that you don’t find yourself in the nightmarish situation of running out of toilet paper.
3. CBS is closing down its last business language program
The Bachelor in English and Organizational Communication (EOK) had admitted its last round of students. Senior Management at CBS has decided to close down the program, and convert the Bachelor in Intercultural Marketing Communication (IMK) from a Bachelor of Arts into a Bachelor of Science. The decision was not well received by CBS Students, the affected study board, and Kommunikation & Sprog – a trade union.
2. Seven things to try while you are in Denmark
New to Denmark? If you want to get the full-on Danish experience, try seven of these “hygge” activities that the Danes do in their spare time or sometimes even on an everyday basis.

The Danes love to have a wide selection of candies (Photo: Angermann, Flickr)
1. Students friendly restaurants in Copenhagen
Don’t underestimate the power of cheap food. CBS student Caroline Sølver made this guide back in August and it’s still the most read article in CBS WIRE’s archive. She suggests five places to eat out in Copenhagen where you won’t have to break the bank.