CBS Students: “CBS risks becoming less diverse and more elitist”

Mads Taudal Nyeng, President of CBS Students, does not done the proposed plans to cut back study places and closing programs.(Photo: Anne Thora Lykkegaard)
Mads Taudal Nyeng, President of CBS Students, is against the political premise behind the reduced intake. He predicts that the government will not get what it wants, which is more and better educational opportunities.
CBS Students does not condone the proposed plans to close six programs. In fact, it has been against the political plans to reduce university intakes in the major cities since the government presented its proposal in spring, explains Mads Taudal Nyeng, President of CBS Students.
“The political proposal is the root of the problem. CBS has been ordered to make these cuts, and my empathy goes out to the affected study programs and the people making the final decision because it will not be well received whatever it is and also because, overall, we don’t think this should be happening at all,” he says.
Mads Taudal Nyeng is seeing a tendency among the universities concerning how they are dealing with the task set by the politicians.
“The government wants to move study places, and that’s not an attractive alternative either. And now we are seeing the consequence of this agreement – that local closures are being announced rather than new educations popping up in other areas of Zealand. This consequence is exactly what we have been objecting to,” he says.
Both in the short and long run, whether the study place reduction is implemented as stated in Senior Management’s proposed plan or in other ways, it will have severe consequences for CBS, Mads Taudal Nyeng claims.
“In the short run, we will lose a certain group of students with specialized competences. The long-term consequences can be hard to predict, but I believe we will see a CBS that is less diverse and more elitist,” he says and continues:
“If you have fewer spots available, the grade point average will only go one way, and that’s up. That also determines which students you admit, and right now, we are talking a great deal about how we need to bring together a group of people that is as diverse as possible in order to solve the problems we are facing right now and in the future.”
Students from the affected programs have criticized the process leading up to the proposal being made official. They have called it “undemocratic”, as a hearing was not held for the proposed plan before it was presented to the CBS Board of Directors on November 12.
In Mads Taudal Nyeng’s opinion, the timeframe set by the government is too hasty.
“I think, we can always talk about wanting a higher degree of involvement. But this task is time consuming, and I’m aware that we have had to run fast in order to make it. From the start, the circumstances under which CBS has been tasked with solving such a complex problem have been unacceptable. This has been forced on us, more than it is a choice,” he says.
Thank you for the support Mads. But unfortunately Mads doesn’t really know who and what he is trying to back here… Most of the people on the educations that will be shut down will be educated generalists and not specialists………….