Three case competition organizers: Our weekly Monday evening meetings are always an energy boost

Three students share what they have learned from being part of the CBS Case Competition organizing committee and explain why everyone can benefit from working with a more sustainable and inclusive mindset. New initiatives for this year include QR codes instead of flyers, and charity contributions instead of Amazon gift cards.
Right after the annual CBS Case Competition in February, preparations begin for the next Case Competition – the largest upcoming student-driven events of the year.
This year, the organizers are aligning their work with the UN’s global goals and agree that inclusivity is an important component of both sustainability and innovation. To highlight the importance of a considerate mindset towards the world, they have chosen the theme ‘shaping a better future for tomorrow’.
And this time, the CBS Case Competition (CCC) is collaborating with its three preferred partners, Ørsted, PWC and Mærsk as well as its consulting partner Qvartz and honorary partner Carlsberg.
“By creating cases related to sustainability in different contexts, we wish to give students the opportunity to become familiar with and learn about how to contribute to a better future and a more sustainable world,” says Mathilde Lavlund, a member of the events team.
The CCC organization’s emphasis on further aligning their work with sustainable and diversified thinking has led to many organizational adjustments, such as now using QR codes instead of flyers, giving charity contributions as prizes instead of Amazon gift cards, and hosting a weekly Instagram SDG quiz that handles topics related to the UN goals, as well as carefully choosing its collaborative partners.

Although stressful periods come with the job, Mathilde Lavlund and Paola Iyer, case competition organizers, agree that even the most nerve-wracking challenges bring more value than hardship. (Photo: Ida Söderholm)
Mathilde Lavlund explains how one of the goals for this year’s Global case competition was to give more students the opportunity to participate, and now master’s students are also welcome to take part.
“We have wanted the Global case competition and our events to reflect our belief that CCC is for everyone, as well as a showcase for a more relaxed, less formal side to our organization,” she says.
“We want students to know that being a part of the CCC organizational team is a lot of fun and contains a lot more than tough challenges and long hours,” says Paola Iyer, a member of the marketing team.
Thomas Korgaard Pedersen, a member of the partners’ team, adds: “Also, you do not need to be a straight-A student or have a specific set of skills. What is important is that you are ambitious and purpose driven”.
More value than hardship
Although stressful periods come with the job, Mathilde, Paola and Thomas all agree that even the most nerve-wracking challenges bring more value than hardship.
“For me it’s about being able to tell myself that I made it. As someone who used to be a real introvert, throwing myself out of my comfort zone and pitching an idea to high-prestige people or speaking in front of a crowd of 200 people are things I would never have done if you had asked me one year ago,” says Mathilde Lavlund.
Thomas adds that joining the CCC organization was a steppingstone to increasing his confidence and knowledge in preparation for what the future has to offer.
“Having the opportunity to work without a boss to answer to is rare. In so many ways, it mirrors the tasks students will face when stepping out in their career life. It is an amazing opportunity to get a hands-on perspective where everyone can influence on an equal level,” says Paola Iyer.
It’s the effort you are willing to put into it
Is money what makes the world go around? At least not in the CCC organization. Here, team adherence is what counts.
The three students reminisce back to one of their favorite team-building events held by their consulting partner Qvartz. “The task was to present the tastiest, most well-thought-out three-course meal and it was a lot of fun,” says Thomas Korgaard Pedersen.
Willingness to work as a team and the eagerness to learn from others are aspects that the steering committee of CCC stresses during the application process.
“What you know is not as important as the effort you are willing to put in,” says Thomas Korgaard Pedersen, and the input includes a weekly Monday evening meeting.
“Our weekly Monday evening meetings are always an energy boost. This is where we share updates, come up with new ideas and let our team members know what we need help with,” says Mathilde Lavlund and adds: “One of the best parts is that the help sheet always gets filled up”.
The coordinators express how they think many students are missing out on the hands-on perspective an organization like theirs offers as well as the team building, friendships and network it brings.
“It is easy to line up capabilities in a CV, but in an organization like CCC, you really get the opportunity to test them for future improvement. What I have learned this past year from joining the case competition organization is not even comparable to what I have learned from reading books from the curricula,” says Mathilde Lavlund.
“It also involves trying new things in life. I feel like life is short and I want to maximize mine. I don’t just want to try working within fashion or just be a student at CBS, I want to experience it all,” says Paola Iyer.
Students interested in joining the CCC committee in 2021 are encouraged to follow the organization on social media, where all the positions are posted.