Students unite: CBS’ Program portfolio needs your help

Three students want to change the content of CBS’ program portfolio, and they need your help. The aim is to make it clearer what skills and qualifications the various CBS educations acquire and provide.
Nima Sophia Tisdall, Malthe Gaarden and Ida Kirstine Andersen Boe are the core members of a task group that has been established as a result of CBS’ strategy revision.
The group is taking the initiative to get more students involved in the development and content of the program portfolio, as this is one of three transitional initiatives that CBS is implementing in their strategy for 2017-2020. Along with CBS Students, the group is hosting the Student Summit this coming September, where students from all areas of CBS can parttake and have their say on the portfolio.
One might however wonder, what a program portfolio actually is?
Though not as familiar in name, almost everyone at CBS has encountered the portfolio before, as this is the general overview of every program offered and provided at the school. The overview is accessed through CBS’ own website, but also through (the educational guide) and similar websites, and it is here one can read about the specific courses and fields of study the different programs offer.
But why does the portfolio need to be revised?
Nima, Malthe and Ida all think that the current portfolio lacks a detailed description about what competences the various programs provide, as well as an overview of the specific qualifications the student should have prior to starting a program.
They mention that several students feel like the courses they are taking have no relevans in regards to their future career goals, and that they do not have the liberty to make their education personal. For many, the programs seem to be structured in such a way that they are only aimed for certain jobs and professional paths.
The locked structures also seem to result in a lot of students missing out on their dream Master’s program because they did not have the right subjects on their Bachelor’s to get accepted. With a more explicit program portfolio incidents like that could happen less often, as well as fewer drop outs in general, as more programs would be adjusted to the needs and desires of the students.
To help gain as big of an insight in all the troubles, thoughts and dilemmas of the students or students-to-be, the task group asks all students at CBS to join the Student Summit 2017 on September 12th. The CBS management will be present at the event to listen to all the suggestions, so this is the students chance to speak their mind and get some influence.

The task group hopes the summit will function as a starting point for developing a far better program portfolio, and that the changes made will be visible already at the start of the school year 2018/19. So, with the prospects of a new program portfolio in sight, Nima, Malthe and Ida encourage everyone to get involved to help create both better academic and professional profiles for present and future students at CBS.
See you on September 12th, 2017!