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Marc’s five favorite places in Barcelona

young man at the beach in Barcelona

Me at the beach in Sitges. The mask can help cover a double chin, if you also have one of those :) (Private photo)

Go on exchange |   09. Nov 2020

young man in front of La Sagrada familia in Barcelona

Marc Møller


I have plans for most of my blogs, and for this one I wanted to have a favorite place ready to show off. Barcelona is great. It’s amazing and I do have places that I would recommend to everyone coming here.

Some are free and just incredible to experience.

However, due to Corona and the many restrictions, I have now adapted a bit and with my roommates, I have made my apartment into one of my favorites places to be in Barcelona, I know it’s an incredibly poor recommendation to go visit my roomies, so I won’t do that.

But for me right now, it’s really nice that home is a good spot to be, because it’s smart to stay home as much as possible.

And now back to my favorite place!


Los Bunkers, in all its glory, is basically just a hill from where you can look down over Barcelona and have beers with friends, a picnic with your bestie or just read a book.

Last year, I also went to Barcelona, so I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Barcelona in mid-July in the tourism rush there normally is, and now as well, where it is basically empty of tourists. Last year, I went to a language school and made some great friends.

Los Bunkers ended up being a weekly visit for us to just enjoy the view and hang out in the nice weather in the evening. Some of my best memories are from Los Bunkers with a friend from the US having his first Breezer, and another friend, who is a climber, hanging off a ledge, making all of us fear for his early death (he did survive though).

So, my first recommendation is that you should come here, take a photo for your Instagram or maybe a new profile picture for Facebook – anything is possible at Los Bunkers.

I personally got a new Cover Photo.

a view over Barcelona

Los Bunkers. (Photo by Marc Møller)

I have, of course, done other things than just stay inside the apartment all my time here in Spain.

I really enjoyed the two trips that I have made, one to a beach north of Barcelona and another south to a city called Sitges.

Barcelona is in the region of Catalunya, and Catalunya is B-E-A-Utiful. If you go a bit north, you reach Costa Brava, which has the most amazing beaches I have ever seen. They are kind of small, surrounded by rocks forming a U around the beach, which makes it seem that the beach is inside a bay.

At this beach, we had the chance to go kayaking and snorkeling (or diving with goggles) to enjoy the nature around Costa Brava and also visit quieter places. Fewer boats and fewer people equal more life – and we certainly saw life.  The pictures show some things we saw on our trip.

Coast near Barcelona
(Photo Marc Møller)
coast near Barcelona
(Photo Marc Møller)

Another weekend, I went to Sitges with people from the university. This was the first ERASMUS-related trip I took, and with all the new restrictions, it will probably also be the last.

Sitges is a city south of Barcelona known for its acceptance of LGBTQ+ and for nudist beaches, and they said the pride event in Sitges is normally is one of the greatest. Aside from that, it’s also a very nice city to visit.

It has several things still standing from the Middle Ages, where you can see a clear distinction between what is new and what dates back to Medieval times. The beach at Sitges is really nice. The day we went there, it was mostly windy and with a minor sandstorm, but the view of the beach and beauty of the waves were amazing to experience and, luckily enough, I got some really cool pictures of it all.

Building in Sitges.
(Photo Marc Møller)
Middle age building
A part of what has been kept and cared for from the Middle Ages. (Photo Marc Møller)
(Narrow street in Sitges in Spain)
The kerbstones shown in this photo date back to when horses were the cars. The horses could walk up and down there with the carts behind them rolling on the kerbstones at the sides of the roads.(Photo Marc Møller)

Another one of my favorite experiences was when my girlfriend visited me at the end of September. There is a park very close to where I live that is called Parque de la Ciudadela.

We went there to see the amazing fountain with an accompanying humongous number of stairs. After showing her this, we were on our way home when we saw a small pond with some birds in it and thought that was super cool.


Then we noticed boats in the pond and spent the next 30 minutes sailing around in a boat in a pond for just 5 euro. The cheapest but also one of the greatest experiences, and something I found insane, was that there was a small turtle in the water.

I’m not very familiar with the animal world, but I would not have expected to find a turtle swimming in a pond in a park in the middle of Barcelona.

a lake

White circle shows the turtle. (Photo by Marc Møller)

And lastly, as an apology for the low number of photos last time, I hereby give you guys many. Also, there are plenty of other incredible things to see when coronavirus is over, such as the Magic Fountain, all the museums in Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia, Tibidabo amusement park and sights outside Barcelona as well as the huge Montserrat nature park and Gerona, a historic city where part of Game of Thrones was filmed.

And finally, it goes without saying that when picking your favorite things in your favorite city, you are going to leave a lot of things out, unfortunately.


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Marc’s five favorite places in Barcelonaby

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