CBS receives DKK 25 million to research and research-based teaching

CBS (Photo: Mette Koors)
The future looks a little bit brighter for research and research-based teaching at CBS next year, as the Danish government has decided to grant extra money towards research. According to Dean of Research at CBS, Peter Møllgaard, this amount permits CBS to hire extra 30 – 40 new researchers in the coming years. At the same time, he points out that CBS still lacks about a quarter of a billion DKK compared to other universities in Denmark.
DKK 25 million for fundamental research gives CBS opportunities to hire more researchers in the future. The money comes from a research reserve that the Danish government has set aside in the annual budget review for 2018. The buffer is about DKK 440 million bigger than in 2017.
The last couple of years, CBS has got a so called “Christmas gift” of DKK 20 million.
“I’m extremely grateful for this funding. We expect that this increase to our research funding will become part of the government’s annual budget. So, this is no longer just a Christmas gift, but something permanent,” says Peter Møllgaard, Dean of Research at CBS.
According to Peter Møllgaard, “it’s a step in the right direction, but not nearly enough if CBS is to be on the same level as other universities with regards to grants for fundamental research.”
“Our basic challenge is that we lack about a quarter of a billion DKK, which is ten times the funds we have received just now to be on the same level as, for instance, the University of Roskilde. We have to be on a whole other level if we are to make a real impact in society and benefit from our researchers and the education we offer to the graduates we sent out into the business society,” he says.
Peter Møllgaard expects that CBS will be able to hire between 30 – 40 new researchers in the coming years. What kind of researchers and which fields of research CBS wants to strengthen will be discussed by the senior management, the researchers, and the head of departments during the next couple of months.