10 CBS folks reveal their best and worst Christmas gifts ever. One good tip? Don’t wish for socks!

Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! A minigolf game to play while sitting on the toilet, a nicely wrapped toilet role, a chopping board from your lover or a food dehydrator that previously only existed in your dreams. Do you remember your best and worst Christmas gifts ever?
And do you remember those sleepless nights before Christmas and the striking disappointment of being handed a gift, taking a light squeeze and realizing its softness?
I remember one Christmas in particular when I was faced with two of my Christmas nightmares at the same time. The gift wasn’t only soft, it also contained my least favorite object: a dress! Luckily, that same Christmas I was also given another football to add to my collection, which definitely made up for any disappointment.
The fun part of a lousy gift is that you never know if it’s going straight into the back of the closet, like my dress did, or if it will actually be one of the most joyful and memorable presents you´ve ever received.
10 CBS folks share their experiences with amazing and awful gifts as they make us remember why some gifts are amazing because they are awful. We asked students and employees: What are your best and worst Christmas gifts ever?
Olivia Augusta Olesen, Programme Manager

Olivia Augusta Olesen, Programme Manager. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
The best Christmas gift was without a doubt a food dehydrator from my boyfriend a couple of years ago. I burst into tears and cried for 45 minutes straight. It was just something that I felt was too unrealistic to ever put on any wish list, and the fact that he had thought about what I wanted without me wishing for it felt really special.
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
It must be when my wonderfully eccentric father, who one year was travelling in Thailand, felt like it was a great idea to send me 19 salt and pepper shakers all in the shapes of different figurines. After various ways of first trying to give them away or reconstruct them into Christmas decorations, they have now ended up in my office, where they bring me more joy than I ever could have imagined.
Anders Klein, Industrial PhD fellow
Anders Klein, Industrial PhD fellow. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
My worst one must definitely be a chopping board that I received from my ex-girlfriend during a Christmas where I was being a romantic partner giving her lingerie. It was extremely boring.
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
My best gift was one I was given by my wonderful current girlfriend, a gift card for a spa and retreat weekend! This is one of the reasons why she is my girlfriend now and hopefully will be forever.
Rikke Bisander, Student: Cand merc strategy, organization and leadership

Rikke Bisander, Student: Cand merc strategy, organization and leadership. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
A ring that my mother designed based on a ring that my father gave my mother. The ring that I got was crafted from all the jewellery my grandfather gave my grandmother when my mother was growing up. I love it so much and wear it almost every day.
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
My worst one must be a sports bra that I received from my mother one Christmas. It didn’t even fit! I had expected more from my mother.
Jakob Khoi Pedersen, Student: International Business in Asia

Jakob Khoi Pedersen, Student: International Business in Asia. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
My father gives me the gift of every year travelling to Vietnam, where I was adopted from. I am beyond grateful for that.
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
That is a tough one. I actually don’t think too much about the Christmas gifts I receive, as I am just happy to get a gift. If I really had to choose, it would be receiving a gift card. It just feels so corporate! I don’t know if I’m lazy or just unmaterialistic because the gift cards I get tend to run out on their 2-year expiry date.
Yvonne Xina Ditlevsen, Solbjerg Plads library

Yvonne Xina Ditlevsen, Solbjerg Plads library. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
A Gameboy! It was actually a present which I unwrapped and wrapped again a couple of days before Christmas. I was so excited about it because it had been on my wish list forever. I acted surprised on Christmas Eve and until this day, no one knows about it.
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
Two years later, I was given a pillowcase and duvet cover. I just thought it was such a miserable gift and I cried rivers in front of everyone. Now 20 years later, my family members still tease me by asking “Do you remember that Christmas when you cried hysterically because you didn’t get what you wanted”. So yep, still paying for it.
Mick Hart, Research Assistant

Mick Hart, Research Assistant. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
I received my best gift on the winter solstice four years ago on my 30th birthday. The gift was family time. My parents and I walked to visit the King’s Oak in the Northern Forest of Jægerspris. They divorced when I was six years old, and since then it had been very rare for me to spend time alone with them both. This was easily one of the best days of my life. It is a really happy memory. My father died of cancer seven months later.
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
That´s an easy one to remember! I had written on my wish list by mistake that I wanted socks. I ended up getting 36 pairs that Christmas. I will never wish for socks again. Socks suck!
Maya Soll, Student: International Business in Asia

Maya Soll, Student: International Business in Asia. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
My very innovative brother gave me a toilet roll which he, of course, had taken from our shared bathroom and wrapped in Christmas paper stolen from our parents’ closet. I think he just wanted to annoy me and see the look of disappointment on my face
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
My best gift is also one that I received from my brother when he gave me a bracelet. Even though it wasn’t expensive or anything, it still meant a lot to me at the time as I was becoming an adult. It probably also meant a lot since it was the first thing he had given me which wasn’t toilet paper.
Sebastian Poulsen, Student: European Business

Sebastian Poulsen, Student: European Business. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
That is without a doubt a minigolf game that I was supposed to play while sitting on the toilet, given to me by my brother, of course. He seemed to be going with some type of theme since the following year he gave me a basketball game to go with it. Luckily, I managed to put a stop to it then and there!
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
A trip to Dubai with my family to spend Christmas. That was amazing.
Charlotte Ipsen, Personal Assistant

Charlotte Ipsen, Personal Assistant (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
Definitely a knitting kit that I received from my mother 10 years ago. I think she wanted me to grow up more in my 30+ years of age. I use it to sew on buttons and things like that, but it was definitely more her wish for me than my own.
What´s the best Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
That must be a trip to New York which my husband gave me. And actually, it has set a new era of gift exchanging between us! I feel like experiencing things with one another is much nicer than receiving a handbag or something. If I want a handbag, then I can get it for myself.
Alexander Schou Knuthsen, Student: European Business

Alexander Schou Knuthsen, Student: European Business. (Photo by Ida Söderholm)
What´s the best Christmas gift that you´ve ever received?
The best Christmas gift I ever got was definitely my dog, which has always been my best friend and still is.
What´s the worst Christmas gift you´ve ever received?
My dad gave me dishtowels 2 years ago when I moved out. It was definitely a bit disappointing since I had wished for a computer. But hey, I do use them every day.