Sometimes you don’t have to create a brand-new concept to win awards. You can just tweak an existing industry formula to increase flexibility and reach more customers. That was exactly what university students Hasan El Youssef and Elmar J. Johannsson did when they started TopTutors in 2021. A concept that secured them the CBS Startup Award in November 2022, which comes with a grant of DKK 75,000 to help them scale up their business.
Making the right decisions for a new venture to prosper centres on recognising which stage the business has reached. Researchers at CBS created a matrix that helps ventures define where they are on their path to success – or failure.
Working in a student job increases the chances of employment right after graduating. But sometimes, CBS students are too eager to start early and may focus on prestigious companies rather than relevant tasks in their search. SMEs can offer different opportunities and more responsibility.
When raising money through crowdfunding, you must be aware of your strategy. If you want the local community to get involved and benefit from your product and sales, one strategy beats the others by far. Learn which strategy to use for different purposes here.