He grows his own vegetables and he rarely eats lunch, a habit he got from his time working as a forester in Canada. And then he has a batch of four red sweaters. CBS WIRE spent an entire day with Per Holten-Andersen, the President of CBS, in order to get to know him better.
Senior Management at CBS has decided to close down the last program associated with language, the EOK bachelor, and is converting the IMK Bachelor into a BSc. The study boards, CBS Students, and the trade union, Kommunikation & Sprog, are unsympathetic towards the decision, whereas the Dansk Industri is partly understanding.
Jeremie has felt the ruthlessness of the housing market in Copenhagen. Having to stay at hostels and in worst cases commute between Denmark and his home country. Now, he has finally found a room for six months.
Niels Laursen is a witty guy. On the fifth floor at Porcelænshaven 26, he has written a loony poem on a blackboard – “just for the fun of it.” Each semester he prepares all the dorm rooms for new students, and to him, it sometimes feels like being in charge of a kindergarten when they move in.
Beyoncé, Adele, Led Zeppelin, and Foo Fighters. CBS alum Jesse Schwartz plays every song you can name without any sheet music, and he used to play at SP.01 when he was an exchange student at CBS back in 2008.
CBS partaking in this year’s pride parade is not only an important statement both towards employees and students but also outwards, argue a proud student and associate professor. But not all parts of CBS support the initiative financially.
CBS is worst in class in terms of gender diversity compared to other Danish universities. Now, the President of CBS is joining a newly establish initiative by the UN Women Nordic Office and The Boston Consulting Group to support more women to take on leading positions, despite not having any set goals for the future.
Researchers, students and administrative staff gather each Thursday to practice yoga at the Department of Digitalization. The idea comes all the way from Oxford, England.
Stress is difficult to get rid of and according to the President of CBS it may not happen, as stress is the companion of an elite-culture.
Researchers are not good enough at talking about stress, whereas Communications seem to handle stress rather well. What ever the case, we need to change how we talk about stress, CBS staff and postdoc both agree upon.
Fine art-student Frederik Næblerød did quite a performance, when he came by the CBS Summer Party to make a painting symbolizing the issues with trafficking.
Rumor has it that the second director of the library at CBS once hid away refugees there during World War II. During the past 95 years, the library has expanded rapidly making room for everyone – except Karl Marx.
The latest satisfaction survey at CBS reveals that employees are becoming more stressed every year. CBS tries to battle the increase with anti-stress initiatives, and they seem to work, says HRD Consultant Trine Madsen from CBS.
Just like the President of CBS the Department of Organization has an office chain. Although, they are a bit in doubt who actually made it.
Carolina Goral and Agata Durkin make sure you don’t find yourself in the nightmarish situation of running out of toilet paper; they throw away the last remains of a good night out; and are – if they say so themselves - ‘the best team’.