“My student job has opened my eyes towards tech and robots”

Monday’s are crucial in my team. We have our weekly editorial meetings and set the agenda for the rest of the week. Despite it being Monday morning, I quite look forward to getting to work since my colleague Isabella will be waiting for me with our usual breakfast, which consists of a croissant. It’s not all bad.
Monday August 28th 9:10 AM
This week is a busy one. I’m updating all the flyers that we bring out to the campuses whenever we hold any type of event; career fairs, recruitment events, and competitions, to name a few. It’s quite a big task since everything needs a makeover. Accenture has undergone a major change ‘into the new’, as we call it internally, meaning that all our images, logos, fonts etc. have been modified.
My role is to update all of the text, take some new photos of employees we have chosen to include in the flyers and make sure we have all the material ready before sending it off to be printed. One of the reasons I love my job is the diversification of the tasks that I get to do on an everyday basis. One day, I will be updating flyers, the next I will be attending a huge tech and innovation summit (stay tuned!).

Tuesday August 29th 12:00 PM
The Marketing & Communications team consists of 9 people; 3 students and 6 full-time employees. All my managers hold different roles and are responsible for very different things. Therefore, I also get assigned a variety of projects ranging from marketing and external communication via social media, exclusive events we host for our clients to internal campaigns we run in-house.
Claus, my boss, is the Nordic director of Marketing & Communications and is often away on business trips and seminars. Today, he is here, so I ask him how student assistant positions originated at Accenture, since we do not have as many as other big companies in Denmark.
He tells me the story of how it all began: “The first time we offered a student position in the Marketing & Communications team it happened spontaneously. I was giving a presentation to a group of students at CBS, and filled with energy at the end of my presentation I said: ‘if any of you ever consider working for Accenture as a student, just let me know.’ Soon after, a guy contacted me – and the rest is history. Students are now an integral part of our team and I sincerely see it is a two-way learning relationship. Students bring new insight, energy and a liberating sense of freedom to our thinking – and we offer them a unique opportunity to learn and grow, collaborate and co-create with some of the best marketing and communications professionals in our industry.”
Soon after, a guy contacted me – and the rest is history. Students are now an integral part of our team and I sincerely see it is a two-way learning relationship. Students bring new insight, energy and a liberating sense of freedom to our thinking – and we offer them a unique opportunity to learn and grow, collaborate and co-create with some of the best marketing and communications professionals in our industry.”
Sunday September 3rd 3:46 PM
Copenhagen Tech Festival is starting on Tuesday, and Accenture is participating in one of the largest events there called TechBBQ. TechBBQ is the first, oldest, and largest tech and innovation summit in Denmark and we have two speakers going on stage to discuss the challenges that tech start-ups may face.
My job is to create some pre-event content and create some buzz on our social media channels before the big day, which is why I start preparing already on the weekend. Because my job tasks are forever shifting, it is important to always be ‘on’, and this can also mean having to post things in the evenings or even on a Sunday.
My friends give me weird looks when I sometimes pull out my work phone during a dinner, but social media never sleeps! I honestly don’t mind this at all – it is one of the reasons I love my job even more. I really enjoy creating content and having the freedom to be creative with what I post on our channels; it doesn’t feel like work to me!
Monday September 4th 11:30 AM
Today is a big day. At the beginning of every month we hold two introductory days for the new employees who are joining Accenture. This month we have 34 new faces starting and it will be our biggest bunch ever across all of our departments – Strategy, Consulting, Technology, Digital and Operations.
The thing that makes Accenture unique is the wide spectrum of industries that we operate and offer expertise in. Working in marketing, I get to interact with people from all over the organization as we are the ones handling everything from event materials, content creation, and promotion of events to shooting videos. I would describe my team as the office octopus; having a tentacle in almost everything Accenture is up to.
This Monday however, is special because I have been included in the introductory agenda as a speaker. I have been given a 30-minute slot to present to our new joiners about what we do in my department. I talk about our social media channels, our intranet and our global Accenture portal and how to use it, finishing off by taking the famous ‘new joiner group photo’ which we publish every month.
This time, we switch things up and capture a quick Boomerang as it was very hard to fit 34 people into one photo and having everyone look good! They all let go for a moment, forgetting it’s their first day on the job and have a little fun before returning to their packed intro agenda.
My manager Natalie and I do a quick high-five. I return to my office completely out of breath but with the biggest sense of accomplishment ever, after having 34 eager faces – ranging from graduates to senior managers – listen to me talk about my role in the company! For a student assistant, I feel pretty damn cool.
Tuesday September 5th 09:18 AM
I’m at the event. TechBBQ is in full gear and we have pimped out our stand with fake grass, potted plants, Accenture logo-printed gum and a Bitcoin machine! This year our theme is “Grow your Business”, so we decided that green plants were very appropriate. Bitcoin is a crypto currency and digital payment system. Transactions take place between users directly without an intermediary such as a
Bitcoin is a crypto currency and digital payment system. Transactions take place between users directly without an intermediary such as a bank, and eliminate transaction fees. The technology behind Bitcoin, called Blockchain, is something Accenture invests a lot of time and resources into. With Blockchain, every single transaction can be traced back to its origin, and it’s also possible to see where said money has been along the way. A lot of info, right? That’s how I felt the first time I heard about these concepts, but having them simplified can peak even a tech-challenged business student’s interest!
With Blockchain, every single transaction can be traced back to its origin, and it’s also possible to see where said money has been along the way. A lot of info, right? That’s how I felt the first time I heard about these concepts, but having them simplified can peak even a tech-challenged business student’s interest!
Back to the event! I’m ready to go, equipped with my camera, phone and Snapchat Spectacles (courtesy of Accenture) to capture all the highlights of the summit and report live on our social media channels.
I walk around filming while wearing my glasses, capturing snapshots of our speakers, other exhibitors and cool technology that is on display! I find myself taking a break close to a stage where a robot is talking – and trying to guess the speaker’s age! How cool is that? I’m so thrilled that I get to be a part of all this and continue hunting for more cool gadgets!

Wednesday September 6th 2:54 PM:
What a week! I enjoy a well-deserved day off by sleeping in and binge-watching Netflix. My student job has opened my eyes for the tech and consulting world, and it has shown me how much lies within. My curiosity for the newest technologies has grown and I am genuinely interested in the areas of expertise Accenture operates in.
From robotics to Blockchain and virtual reality, I am involved in a lot of it – even if just in a small way. I’ve also volunteered to become part of the Accenture School Group team, meaning I get to take part in any upcoming campus activities and recruiting events that we will host. Before working here, I had heard of Accenture but I didn’t really know what the company did. I had seen their logo around CBS and in the news, so I assumed they were a big deal, which is why I applied for a job when I saw an opening. And I’m glad I did!
We do a lot of cool things; and at a very fast pace! My everyday now consists of staying up to date and writing about new tech, combined with marketing and social media strategies and how to execute these properly. I am learning something new every day alongside my degree; lessons you cannot get in the classroom!
