Humans of Summer SchoolbyDaiana Contini

LJUDEVIT, 20, Croatia.
“So far, CBS has been amazing: The lectures are fantastic, the buildings are beautiful, even though it is much more work here than in my university back home. I was afraid, I was not going to be good enough, but in the end I did completely fine, maybe even better than I expected.”

YVONNE, 31, Germany.
“As soon as I landed in Copenhagen, I could feel this inner vibe, people are so chilled, everything is fine and nobody is stressed out; then I learned that all of this is what they call ‘hygge’. I would say that Copenhagen is my favourite city in Europe so far. I mean, which city has two amusement parks?!”

EDWARD, 19, England.
“I am enjoying CBS a lot, it really feels like it is a place for learning. I am thinking of doing a master programme here, as long as the people in power don’t mess up that goal of mine. I am not rich, so I cannot study here if I am not part of the EU anymore.”

VANESSA, 27, Mexico.
“I love biking in the city, it makes me feel free since I am used to Mexico City, a city with 10 million people and lots of traffic, cars and pollution. I have been working for the past five years, and in September I will start a master here at CBS, so the summer school is helping me with getting back into the study mindset.“

ALDERT, 23, Netherlands.
“Copenhagen is quite similar to the Netherlands: the weather, the city, the space, the cyclists; although I feel that the Dutch are more stressed than the Danes. People say that cyclists in Copenhagen are crazy maniacs, but if they see the Dutch, they would think they are from another planet!”

TIM, 26, Germany.
“My home university has stopped the Erasmus agreement with CBS, so this was my only chance to come to study here for some time. Copenhagen is very different from Berlin, everything is very organized, which Germans really appreciate. Maybe coffee prices could be a bit lower!”

ELIZABETH, 30, Colombia.
“It is my first time in Denmark and my first time in Europe. Also, I am the first person in my master program who took advantage of the alliance agreement that my home university has with CBS. I would encourage more of my classmates to embark on this kind of experiences, which they are often unaware of.”

ALEXANDER, 25, Australia.
“I have always wanted to come here because I am fascinated with the social democratic structure typical of Scandinavia. It is a totally different world in terms of accessibility to healthcare and education and it is interesting how that compares to Australia.”

MICHAEL, 25, England.
“The Danish style of education is very interesting compared to the UK, because here the students sort of challenge the lecturer more, they are openly criticizing and critiquing, which is really unique and I love it!.”

JULIA, 24, Germany/Poland.
“I am enjoying Copenhagen because it has a lot to offer. For example, yesterday I had the chance to visit the UNHCR at UN City. It was an amazing opportunity, given the relevance of the refugee crisis that Europe has to deal with at the moment, and the breach of human rights that we are currently witnessing.”

YURI, 26, US/Sweden.
“I have been in Copenhagen many times, since I live in Malmö, but now that I have lived here, I could experience what the locals do. I got to notice how the city is structured, with each neighborhood having its own soul.”