Humans of CBSbyAnna Holte

New year – new you? What are your personal goals for 2023? "My theme for 2022 was to put myself first. That means the decisions I make must serve me and put the pleaser in me aside. I’ll continue that theme in 2023." Isabella Andersen, BSc in Business Administration and Psychology.

New year – new you? What are your personal goals for 2023? "My goal for 2023 is to finish my master’s." Christine Asmussen, Master of Business Development.

New year – new you? What are your personal goals for 2023? "We’re going to Uganda with CBS and I hope to get plenty of experience through research and interviews." Mathilde Thomsen, MSc in Business, Language and Culture - Diversity and Change Management.

New year – new you? What are your personal goals for 2023? "My goal is to finish my MSc in Digital Transformation from Roskilde University." Emil Van Dam, IT support worker.

New year – new you? What are your personal goals for 2023? "My personal goal for 2023 is to be a better friend for my friends and not to take relationships for granted. I haven’t been too good at that for many years." Jakob Ravn, Chief Consultant, Teaching and Learning.

New year – new you? What are your personal goals for 2023? "2023 will be the year I complete a 100-km run." Jesper Kollerup, PhD student, Department of Management, Society and Communication.

New year – new you? What are your personal goals for 2023? "This year, I’ll save up lots of money for a 1–2-month trekking trip in Japan." Klaudia Stasiak, Waitress at Porcelænshaven.

New year – new you? What are your personal goals for 2023? "I have no specific goals. But I have worked on areas in my life that I’d like to explore more." Christian Friis Smith, MSc in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership.