Humans of CBSbyAnna Holte

Which student society do you represent and why is this area important? Konstantin Bohlender, Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE): "I represent the LSBTQIA – Safe and Inclusive Study Association. It’s important because we all need a safe space where we can be ourselves."

Which student society do you represent and why is this area important? Selma Sebnat, Business Language and Culture (BLC): "I am part of CBS ART, where we want to build an environment that reflects our interest in art at CBS, and where people can learn and be inspired by different forms of expression."

Which student society do you represent and why is this area important? Astrid Björk, Business Administration and Sociology (SOC): "I’m head of communication at Swedish Students, where we link up with other Swedish students and businesses to make the most of social opportunities."

Which student society do you represent and why is this area important? Jesper Brummerstedt, Business Language and Culture (BLC): "I’m part of the CBS Cycling community. There is generally a lot of interest in cycling, but some people here at CBS don’t have the knowledge and networks that they have in their home cities. So it brings people together for social bike rides."

Which student society do you represent and why is this area important? Stella Maymann-Holler, International Business (IB): "I’m part of the society Marketing Lab. It’s important because it helps students to test their theoretical knowledge from lectures in an empirical setting and in large-scale, real-life firms."

Which student society do you represent and why is this area important? Line Duus Madsen, Business and Project Management (HAPRO): "I’m part of CBS Creative. I love that we take breaks from busy student life. It’s very de-stressing to be creative together with other students."

Which student society do you represent and why is this area important? Frederik Bay, Business Administration and Organisational Communication: "I’m part of the CBS Investment Club. We meet up to learn the fundamentals of stock picking, valuation and valuable skills for a future in the world of investment. It’s a great way to connect with other students with an interest in investing."

Which student society do you represent and why is this area important? Francesco Antoldi, Business Language and Culture: "I’m one of many students at 180 Degrees Consulting, where students work as consultants. We assign them a project with a real-life company. It’s an opportunity to gain experience from consulting with NGOs and social enterprises."