HUMANS of CBSbyAnna Holte

What country inspires you the most? Rune Sørensen, service employee: I love Japan because in many ways, the Japanese are really advanced in their technology and approach to health. There’s a reason why they live longer than the rest of the world’s population. Also, I’m a big fan of sushi.

What country inspires you the most? Lærke Nyegaard, study counselor at CBS Student Hub: Mexico is very close to my heart. It’s a country with lots of color, warmth, and happy people.

What country inspires you the most? Nikolaj Amstrup, student BSc in Business Administration and Psychology: Denmark. Our country is founded on values that I can vouch for. Denmark is a place where you can aim for the stars while also taking care of people with fewer means.

What country inspires you the most? Katja Rosenfeld, study counselor at CBS Student Hub: I think it has to be Thailand. I’ve traveled there as a backpacker: It’s an exciting country with many possibilities. There are mountains, nature resorts, beaches, and big cities.

What country inspires you the most? Herman Jacobsen, student BSc in International Business and Politics: I’ve always been inspired by Italy. I lived there before the coronavirus pandemic started. Italians are more lively and colorful than us Danes. I like that.

What country inspires you the most? Mia Van Wagenen, BSc student of Digital Management: South Korea, because the country is so far ahead on tech solutions. For example, they have developed a lot of smart cities.

What country inspires you the most? Issam El-Hallak, service guard: I really like Spain. The country has such beautiful nature, and the architecture is amazing.

What country inspires you the most? Sarah Rossen, BSc student of Digital Management: Singapore is interesting in relation to my education. It is so far ahead when it comes to technology and is really innovative.