Humans of CBSbyAnna Holte

Agim Saciri, student, HA Almen: He has been there for me my entire life and has shown me that you can reach the stars if you like. He is my big brother. He is my inspiration.

Maria Fomsgaard Jensen, student, HA Mat: ’Believe in yourself! You can do it! Put it off! Give yourself a break!’ This is what my dad says. He guides me through the challenging times. He is my idol.

Yam Gyamfi, student, cand.merc.jur: I have a partner who is an entrepreneur. Whenever he gets an idea, he moves on with it immediately, and makes things happen the same day. That is really inspiring.

Allan Stockfleth Olsen, Head of Information Service: Martin Luther King! He is my idol. His power, his way of speaking, and his opinions on anti-violence have inspired me greatly.

Amporn Kamminsen, server, Spisestuerne: My dad is definitely my idol. He has taught me “that you need to do good, to likewise receive it.” His words are in my heart forever.

Anne Marie Lykkegaard, journalist, CBS WIRE: “Do or do not. There is no try.” These are the words of Jedi master Yoda from Star Wars. Whenever I’m about to do something I’ve never done before, I like to turn to his words for inspiration.

Philip Adolphsen, student, Business Strategy: What inspires me the most is my dad and the way he works. He works a lot, but at the same time he makes sure to have fun.

Silke Jensen, academic officer, Student hub: My mom is a very special person. She has an incredible energy, and she is really good at listening. She always says: ‘Yes, that’s right!’ She makes me happy.

Liv Bjerge Laursen, librarian: I am a true admirer of my husband. He is very persistent and systematic about the things he does, and that includes the work on himself.