Humans of CBSbyAnna Holte

Umal Farah, International Business Communication: What’s the best you could hope for in 2022? Hopefully, that I’ll be travelling a lot in 2022. I’ll be out enjoying the freedom that comes after graduating.

Daniel Lundgaard, Postdoc, Digital Imaginaries: What’s the best you could hope for in 2022? Life as a researcher and being back at the department with good chats in the corridors.

Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio, Associate Professor, CBS MSC department: What’s the best you could hope for in 2022? I’m looking forward to connecting with my colleagues and having interesting discussions.

Klara Holst, BSC Business Administration and Sociology: What’s the best you could hope for in 2022? That I’ll get a change of scene in the form of exchange abroad and an internship… I’m looking forward to that.

Sofie Hundahl, BSc in Business Administration and Organizational Communication: What’s the best you could hope for in 2022? That I get my bachelor’s degree! And I’m looking forward to what I’ll be doing after that.

Phillip Clausen, European Business: What’s the best you could hope for in 2022? That I’d still be happy about going to the university.

Joachim Højslev, International Business Asia-Japan: What’s the best you could hope for in 2022? That I can go on my exchange trip to Tokyo.

Magnus David Kronberg, BSc in European Business: What’s the best you could hope for in 2022? That Arsenal football club would hopefully win some trophies.