Humans of CBSbyAnna Holte

Leonardo Santiago, Associate Professor, OM: Where is your favorite spot during the lockdowns? It’s been Grøndal Park. That is where I go every day to take a walk, get some fresh air and take some time away from the screen.
I love it.

Ida Thieden Maarbjerg, student: Where is your favorite spot during the lockdowns? In the greenhouse on the roof terrace of my hall of residence. That’s where I can get up in the sunshine and fresh air when my room feels slightly too small.

Attila Márton, Associate Professor: Where is your favorite spot during the lockdowns? Since I am staying in a CBS hall of residence, my living spaces are very small. So, I need to air out my brain once in a while in the park.

Lise Søstrøm, admin coordinator: Where is your favorite spot during the lockdowns? If had to pick a spot nearby it would be Encke & Duers, where you can normally sit outside and enjoy the sunshine with a to-go coffee. That’s treating yourself during the lockdown.

Sille Marie Vesterby Sørensen, student: Where is your favorite spot during the lockdowns? It has been the streets of Copenhagen. While everything has been closed, I have really enjoyed going for walks and rediscovering the city I love.

Marek Azoulay, student: Where is your favorite spot during the lockdowns? Outside! I try to be outside as much as possible and preferably in the parks. The trees are like therapy – a great stress reliever!

Marianne Benfeldt Kellmann, academic officer: Where is your favorite spot during coronavirus? That is Skt. Thomas Plads, where I often start the day with a good walk with my dog. There is room for people and animals.