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CBS Film is ready to feed hungry movie lovers

CBS Film has been hibernating for the last couple of years. But the with new director Anna Krasztev-Kovacs at the helm, the student organization is now reawakened and ready to provide CBS students with movie marathons and film festivals, collaborations with other student organizations, such as CBS Art and CBS Fashion Society, and lots of events about the business of filmmaking.

News |   15. Apr 2019

Kasper Christensen


“There’s no place like home,” said Judy Garland as Dorothy in the iconic film ‘The Wizard of Oz’, and home is exactly where Anna Krasztev-Kovacs is when CBS WIRE establishes a connection to her on Skype in Budapest, Hungary. Although she’s home for a family birthday celebration, Anna Krasztev-Kovacs is happy to talk about the student organization that is very close to her heart, CBS Film.

“We aim to have special events at Husets Biograf, inviting experts on the topic of the film shown – or if possible – the makers of the film shown,” says new director Anna Krasztev-Kovacs, CBS Film. (Photo: David Fulop)

CBS Film was originally established around seven years ago. But it was dormant for two years until Anna Krasztev-Kovacs took over as director – and she’s a very committed and ambitious kind of director who invests a lot of time and energy in the organization.

Joining cinematic forces

“We’re already in talks about collaborating with other student organizations within CBS such as CBS Art, International Student Ambassadors and CBS Fashion Society where we’re arranging some film screenings that fit with the specific interests and thematics of those societies,” Anna Krasztev-Kovacs says and continues:

“We’re also cooperating with others outside CBS such as Husets Biograf, where we’re planning to have screenings of documentaries that focus on important issues in the world, or rare and unconventional fiction or experimental films. We aim to have special events at Husets Biograf, inviting experts on the topic of the film shown – or if possible – the makers of the film shown. On campus at CBS, we would like to have movie marathons of, for instance, all the Star Wars movies and serial events showing all the works of iconic movie directors.”

“All in all, what we really want to do is to reach out to and engage as many students as possible who are interested in film.”

The business of film 

As Anna Krasztev-Kovacs sees it, there are more advantages to joining CBS Film than just watching movies. Advantages that she plans to promote in the near future.

“I’m certain there are many students at CBS who are interested in working with film when they graduate. So it could be great to tap into the film industry by organizing some talks with people who are involved in the industry, such as film professionals and experts, to show which options the students could have in this field after graduating,” she says and continues.

“There’s a lot of business behind films, and there are a lot of people in the film industry who have studied business. There’s a lot of finance, budgeting and marketing involved in filmmaking, so I definitely think that there’s a connection between studying business and dreaming about working in the film industry afterwards.”

Despite being an initiative that has concrete aims to foster career options and entertain students with film screenings, CBS Film is also an important student organization to have at CBS for more general reasons, according to Anna Krasztev-Kovacs.

“I really think that film is an important art form in today’s world and can be used for many different purposes. Therefore I believe that there should be a society at every university that focuses on film,” she says.

A future vibrant community full of ideas  

Currently there are only two members of the CBS Film board, Anna Krasztev-Kovacs and fellow student Katarzyna Romatowska, who are both studying BSc Business Administration and Service Management in Arts and Culture. According to Anna Krasztev-Kovacs, two members of the board aren’t really enough to run the organization, and therefore they’re looking for new members to help run the organization.

“CBS Film is a relatively old organization which has just been brought back to life. We’ve already had one event, which was a kind of recruitment event. But right now we’re planning on having screenings that can attract people in general, and have recruitment run in parallel with these events as an ongoing process. If we can be more visible and get more attention, we’ll also be able to get people on board and have more resources to carry out all of our ideas and events,” Anna Krasztev-Kovacs says.

“In the long term, we’d like to organize a short film festival at CBS where we’ll come up with a topic that reflects what’s going on in the world right now, and then encourage students to make a short film addressing that topic. Afterwards we can hold a competition where we hand out awards for the best films. The aim would be to urge CBS students to actively reflect on important issues using the fun and transformative medium of film,” she says and continues:

“We also want to have screenings at Husets Biograf where we’ll show quirky arthouse B movies. Furthermore, we plan to collaborate with CBS Art and CBS Feminist Society to address topics such as gender issues and the #metoo movement in film. I’m very excited about all of it. I really hope that we can become something big and that a lot of people come to our events so we can create a vibrant community dedicated to film that is creative and full of great ideas.”


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