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Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

Mette Koors


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CBS shop steward: Our culture permits offensive behavior

Employees experience offensive behavior mainly from their colleagues or a manager from their own unit, many never mention the episodes and have received no assistance to help them deal with the issues. These are the three serious trends the Shop Steward for AC TAP personnel highlights following the new job satisfaction survey at CBS. Also, the General Consultation Committee members find the incidence of harassments at CBS ‘high’.


Exam chaos: CBS voids 200 students’ exams. Is that acceptable? No, say the students

“Retakes would not be a fair or equal outcome. On the contrary, our exams being voided would have huge consequences for us,” says Kristian Thylander, a BSc student HA PRO. Students from HA (it) and HA PRO have submitted a complaint to CBS Legal, the Study Administration and the Dean of Education. They are demanding that CBS reinstates the voided exams.


How to be a top performer and how a tomato watch can help you


Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen is the new Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science

The Social Democrats’ former spokesperson for Children and Social Affairs, Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen, takes over the post of Minister for Higher Education and Science after Tommy Ahlers. “Education is undoubtedly Denmark’s most important commodity,” she writes on her website. She’s been a member of parliament since 2011.


CBS at Folkemødet: What has miniature golf got to do with the SDGs?

CBS, Kvinfo and the Danish Institute for Human Rights hosted an event that combined a game of miniature golf and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. For the event, politicians, activists and professionals were invited to discuss the goals and to see if they could get a hole in one.


What you didn’t know about CBS Case Competition: Get the surprising facts from the organizers

As something new, CBS Case Competition launched the Global competition, which invited students from all over the world to compete in a digital case competition. The winners from Singapore fly in to compete in CBS Case Competition this week.


CBS’ answer to 700 researchers’ climate appeal: “It’s a concern that we share!”

“We regard the letter as a deep concern for the climate. This is a concern that we share and we are positive about the request.” This is the message from the Senior Management at CBS after they discussed a climate appeal from more than 700 researchers from all eight of Denmark’s universities.


Stone expert: Look down. The floor talks!

The stone floor at Solbjerg Plads is made from Kelvin Bjerre's favorite stone. The Øland's stone. Together with his colleague from Stone Treatment, he is polishing and grinding the floors to make them shine again. Kelvin Bjerre shows us the cool spots on the floor and talks about how shiny the floor is at the Royal Danish Opera.

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Kvium: “Art trains you to see what you don’t want to see”

A huge bronze sculpture made by the famous Danish artist, Michael Kvium, has become a new, permanent decoration at Kilen. And you can experience Kvium’s curious art in more than one place at CBS right now.

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“How do we get more fathers to take parental leave?”

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“It’s super interesting and beyond the normal!”

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“Should I employ a Dane or an Italian?”

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“Use our research to change the world!”

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“The Danish education system is the most bureaucratic on planet earth!”


“We meet a lot of people at one place at the same time”

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CBS goes to Bornholm

Folkemødet is a bit like Roskilde Festival. More than 100,000 people – including students and staff from CBS - visit the festival on Bornholm to engage in debates, events, and celebrate democracy. Watch the films and hear what the President of CBS, students, researchers, and staff from CBS got out of Folkemødet.

News / Film

Tommy Ahlers: Failing is an excellent way to learn

How do universities stay attractive? How do they educate business students for the 21st century? Tommy Ahlers, the Minster for Higher Education and Science, Gregor Halff, the Dean of Education at CBS, Anita Monty, Learning Consultant at CBS, and Barbara Sporn, Professor at Vienna University of Economics and Business, offer their insights.


CBS has to save DKK 20 million on TAP-staff

Employee representatives at CBS are worried that their staff members will be overburdened in the future, and they cannot see where or how to save DKK 20 million. The University Director argues that 3½ years is enough time for reaching their savings goal, and that Senior Management does not have job cuts on their agenda.


CBS puts the brakes on hiring TAP-staff

All new positions and re-employments of technical-administrative staff (TAP) will have to be approved by Senior Management. The “decision to show moderation in recruitment” comes as payroll costs for TAP at CBS have increased significantly since 2012. Employee representatives are uncertain about the future consequences at present.


First place on Earth: Pay with your finger at Spisestuerne

Forgot your Dankort, or has your phone run out of batteries? Doesn’t matter. At Spisestuerne, it is now possible to pay with your finger using Fingopay. A scanner with an infrared light maps the unique pattern of your veins in the finger, which is then connected to your Dankort. CBS will be the first place in the world using Fingopay in a self-service environment.


CBS WIRE enters into a collaboration with Denmark’s most popular science media

A new collaboration with the popular online media,’s ResearcherZone, means that CBS WIRE will be able to publish even more stories about research from CBS. will publish the stories for their 900,000 monthly readers and on their international sister-site, ScienceNordic, which has readers from all over the world.


We should try something else than ‘business as usual’

She wants to shake up the silo mentality and the 'that's how we normally do it' approach. She wants to experiment, for example, replacing one process owner with a collective. It might be better. It might not. But it is worth a try. CBS Wire talked to Kirsten Winther Jørgensen about her first one and a half year in the chair as CBS' university director, building trust at a university where confidence in the Senior Management had taken a bit of a blow, and a look into the future.

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Stop the world! I want to get off!

Is this a familiar feeling? Margrethe Vestager, EU’s powerful trustbuster, whom business leaders around the world fear to be contacted by, has a simple solution to get a grip on our complex world. Invited by the student organization International Debate CBS, she just visited CBS.


Denmark wants to stop criminalizing researchers for sharing their knowledge

The Danish Government has made a suggestion to change the rules regarding the sideline activities of non-EU employees. The proposal states that international researchers should have the right to do as many sideline activities as they want, without it leading to possible court cases. Problems, CBS professors Brooke Harrington and Mitchell Dean have experienced themselves.


Companies: We also want the brain drain problem solved

To prevent the international graduates from leaving Denmark, companies such as Novo Nordisk and IIH Nordic want it to be easier to attract and retain the international graduates. And this is something CBS can help out with, they argue. Losing out on the international graduates is regrettable, says the vice president of the Confederation of Danish Industry.


New Dean of Research: Poor funding is a major challenge

Big classes, limits to the feedback CBS can give to students, and not enough researchers to ensure a sufficient research-based education are what is the most damaging about poor research funding according to Søren Hvidkjær, CBS’ new Dean of Research. CBS WIRE asked him eight questions about the time coming, and he gives an idea of how to improve research.

Peter Møllgaard, Dean of Research. (Photo: Jørn Albertus.)


A Dean’s goodbye – now he is going to climb Kilimanjaro

Peter Møllgaard resigns as the Dean of Research on the 1st of January. The first thing he is up to in the new year will be to climb Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. CBS WIRE asked Peter Møllgaard five questions about his time as a dean at CBS, and among the answers, he gives three pieces of advice to his successor, Søren Hvidkjær, Head of the Department of Finance.


Keld Laursen, Academic Council: Mistrust cannot be solved with more visibility only

Senior Management promises to be more visible in the future as a response to a report made about the mistrust towards DIR among academic staff. But being more visible only solves 50 percent of the problems, argues Keld Laursen, who took part in the making of the report. Employee representative, Ole Helmersen, is satisfied with the outcome, and expects DIR to take note of the report.


My wildest wish for CBS: Set free all the fantastic potential

Jan Molin, the Dean of Education at CBS, is about to say goodbye to the title after 11 years on duty, and will return to the Department of Organization. He himself graduated from CBS, has worked at the university spanning the time of three directors of the board, four presidents, four university directors, and three deans of research. CBS WIRE has asked him six questions about his time at CBS and showcases his farewell speech.


Brain drain: 56 % of the international students leave DK after graduating from CBS

It is a bad sign that international graduates tend to leave Denmark, and Wilbert van der Meer, the Director of the Dean’s Office, describes the tendency as ”unfortunate” and ”worrying”. Because of this, CBS is about to launch different initiatives which include a Job Search Academy and a review of all the programs to ensure that the chances of getting a job and retaining the students becomes higher.

Artist Mette Clausen has hidden "anxious" in her tapestry. (Photo: Mette Koors)

News / Film

The word anxious is woven into the tapestry at Solbjerg Plads – but why?

A three by seven meters long piece of tapestry hangs in the cantina at CBS and it questions capitalism and the way it works. Because it is, in fact, capitalism that creates anxiety and stress in a world which just screams for more and more?


Three good reasons why you should vote

This week every student can vote for their favorite candidate during the university election. Rachel Scheele, Vice President at CBS Students, gives you three good reasons why you should vote.


Sorting bins at CBS didn’t get sorted at all during the past six years

Three different colored sorting bins, situated throughout the Solbjerg Plads, have been part of an experiment running for more than six years. But the trash never got sorted. Now, the bins have been removed, the day after CBS WIRE asked what happens to the waste.

CBS (Photo: Mette Koors)


CBS receives DKK 25 million to research and research-based teaching

The future looks a little bit brighter for research and research-based teaching at CBS next year, as the Danish government has decided to grant extra money towards research. According to Dean of Research at CBS, Peter Møllgaard, this amount permits CBS to hire extra 30 – 40 new researchers in the coming years. At the same time, he points out that CBS still lacks about a quarter of a billion DKK compared to other universities in Denmark.


CBS has got two new deans

The Dutch professor, Gregor Halff, is being flown in from the Singapore Management University as he will, by next year, be filling the position of Dean of Education at CBS. The new Dean of Research is Søren Hvidkjær, who’s already known at CBS, as the Head of the Department of Finance.

Ida Buhl-Andersen, Partner Development Manager, at Microsoft, is looking for passion and motivation. Foto: Mette Koors

News / Film

Stand up, speak up, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes

“Speak up your mind, dare to fail, and be able to work in a team with different nationalities. Be passionate, independent and motivated.”


CBS fires employees due to missing out on grants

3-5 employees from Facility Management and Campus Development are getting fired due to grants not received. “Very unfortunate,” says the Campus Director. Furthermore, the two departments are being merged on the 1st of October. A member of the coordination committee argues that the process leading to the fusion will give rise to mistrust towards CBS management. The employee representative says that the job cuts could have been avoided.


CEO of Danske Bank will share ups and downs with CBS students

Thomas F. Borgen, CEO of Danske Bank, is going to spend an academic year at CBS. Not to drink coffee with the President of CBS, but instead to learn from academics and students. In the wake of the money laundering case at Danske Bank, he will share what he can if students ask him.


Do you know a student who deserves a prize?

Until 15th September, you can nominate a fellow student for the CBS Student Prize for being inclusive, and in general, trying to make CBS a better place to study. CBS is giving away three prizes of DKK 20,000 to the three students.


“Responsibility is like apple pie – hard to dislike”

Responsibility was on the agenda when 2,930 new CBS students met at Tivoli Hotel on the 1st of September to hear about how CBS takes responsibility. At the end of the day, Yab Yum Clothing presented a case for the students to solve. But why is responsibility so important?


“It looks like CBS is not interested in China anymore”

Researchers and students are left with fewer options to collaborate with and get connections in China. This is owing to CBS backing out of a collaboration with 25 Nordic universities at the Fudan University in Shanghai, argues President from CBS Students and CBS professor. But is the collaboration worth fighting for at all?


Students unite: CBS’ Program portfolio needs your help

Three students want to change the content of CBS’ program portfolio, and they need your help. The aim is to make it clearer what skills and qualifications the various CBS educations acquire and provide.


Action, hands-on and influence

Students and small companies are often a perfect match, as they are looking for the same qualities, say the company PL&Partners and students from CBS and the University of Copenhagen.


Cool summer art: Spit, cola and sex

Fine art-student Frederik Næblerød did quite a performance, when he came by the CBS Summer Party to make a painting symbolizing the issues with trafficking.


More than every other CBS-student is stressed

Stress is becoming the new normal at CBS, as 56 percent of its students feel stressed. CBS Students and the senior management take this very seriously and want to initiate concrete solutions from September this year.


Claus Meyer: Be generous

Claus Meyer, Distinguished Alumnus 2017 and Adjunct Professor in Sustainable Gastro Entrepreneurship at CBS, participated in the Alumni Day event on May 19th, where he spoke about entrepreneurship. CBS WIRE met him the following Monday and asked him about his best advice to future entrepreneurs.

News / Film

How the Norwegian tv series SKAM can explain stress

When we go to work with heart and soul, the feeling of shame often follows, explains PhD, Pernille Steen Pedersen. She uses the Norwegian tv series SKAM to explain why we can feel stressed out.


Blended learning: A fancy buzzword or a necessity?

The traditional educational set-up of a teacher standing in front of a blackboard will be replaced by online courses, board games and silent reflection in a new phenomenon known as ‘blended learning’. CBS aims to implement it by 2022, but students and teachers argue that it can’t come soon enough.


Cracks appear in CBS’ brand after discarded research report

On a scale of 1 to 10, the CBS brand has been compromised to a level 5, says brand experts Mads Mordhorst, CBS, and Nikolaj Stagis, Stagis A/S. Read President Per Holten-Andersen’s assessment of the case involving an agricultural report and a serious breach of good research practice.


YES! We are finally here! Welcome to CBS WIRE

CBS WIRE is your new independent, journalistic platform. It consists of the digital news site you’re reading for the very first time right now – as well as our various social media outlets: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and YouTube.
