Lifelong learning – backbone or buzzword in future education?
The term lifelong learning is popping up everywhere in education policies and in popular news media. But what is lifelong learning and how is CBS trying to implement it? Is it the future backbone of our education system or just a fluffy buzzword? CBS WIRE takes a dive into the philosophy and praxis of LLL.
06 Nov 2023
Staff layoffs: What happens if you’re fired
The clock is ticking. On Thursday morning (5 October), CBS employees will know if they are up for dismissal or not. But what will happen on the day? What emotional stages are you likely to encounter? And who will be there to pick you up when you are feeling the blow of being laid off? CBS WIRE has talked to HR and the consulting agency Actief Hartmanns to provide you with answers.
03 Oct 2023
Layoffs break the crucial trust between organisation and employee
CBS is laying off a number of employees soon, which will affect our university in different ways. When employees are fired without having done anything wrong, it shatters the trust between the organisation and employees, while also taking a toll on productivity, according to a CBS expert. Layoffs also affect the ‘survivors’, who are forced to adapt to a changed workload and the loss of cherished colleagues.
27 Sep 2023
Here’s what you need to know about the master’s reform
The political parties behind the master’s reform have adjusted their original proposal to shorten or reorganize up to 50 percent of master’s programmes after pressure from CBS and the other Danish universities. Fewer shortened master’s and longer to implement changes are some important revisions to the reform. CBS’ president is pleased that the government and other parties behind the reform have listened to some of the critique given by the universities but raises concern about cutting more study places in bachelor’s programmes.
15 Sep 2023
Café Nexus: “Students are stealing our brand identity”
Students from CBS are promoting their private parties on social media by using names related to Café Nexus. “It is piggybacking on their brand and is unacceptable,” says CBS Students. According to the hosts of the private parties, they are simply trying to draw parallels to the good vibes from Café Nexus in their events.
11 Oct 2022
Anne Sophie meets her idol at Nobel Prize event: “He turned out to be human after all”
How does it feel being in a room full of Nobel prize winners – including your own personal idol? “Nerve racking,” says Anne Sophie Lassen, who is a highly esteemed PhD fellow at CBS. She recently attended the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Southern Germany, where the sharpest economical minds gather every third year. “An absolutely mind-blowing experience,” according to the young star researcher.
05 Oct 2022
Why you should always report if you have been sexually harassed
CBS’ Senior Management and HR recently published new guidelines on what to do if you are sexually harassed. Read a summary of the main points and learn why speaking up is crucial if you’ve been violated as an employee at CBS.
29 Sep 2022
Gradeless teaching makes CBS students feel more relaxed and fearful at the same time
A paradox? You can say that again. The results of trying out a whole year without grades for CBS students taking their BAs in Business Administration and Psychology showed a clear ambivalence, according to the teachers and a new research project. Students felt both more relaxed and fearful at the same time – see why below.
27 Sep 2022
Advice for new students: Join a CBS club and don’t forget to have fun
Thursday 1 September, new students at CBS were welcomed at the first ever Bachelor Kick-off event at KB Hallen. Here, students were given advice on how to cope with student life while also managing the stress of entering a new whole era of their lives. The main tip of the day: Remember to take breaks and have fun.
06 Sep 2022
Get to know CBS WIRE and have a free ice cream on 6 September
Want to find out what your university newspaper is all about? And make sure that CBS WIRE is relevant to you? Now is the perfect time to share your ideas on what we should be writing about. On 6 September, we’ll be giving out free delicious ice creams in the hall right next to our office at Solbjerg Plads 3. Meet the CBS WIRE team and treat yourself to a tasty break.
24 Aug 2022
CBS at Pride: “If you’re not honest about who you are, you can’t thrive”
CBS is joining Copenhagen Pride Parade for the fifth time on 20 August. “This is the time for you to support your colleagues and fellow students and celebrate the freedom to be who you are and love anyone you want,” says Head of CBS’ Pride Team, Jesper Bjørn. So, if you love love there’s really no excuse not to attend the parade!
16 Aug 2022
All you need is love…and PRIDE!
Accept yourself, your sexuality, and your true gender. Keep fighting for your rights and be PROUD. These are statements from people who, during their lives, have paved the way for more gender equality and freedom to express yourself. CBS WIRE has looked through quotes made by these significant figures and has chosen five statements that might inspire you.
11 Aug 2022
Do you want to write blog posts for CBS WIRE?
Are you a student at CBS and can you write enthusiastic and inspiring blog posts about your everyday life? Then you might be exactly what we are looking for!
06 Jul 2022
Vice Dean of Green Transition at CBS: Not everyone at CBS must work passionately to solve our climate crisis
More students and employees at CBS should make an effort to help the green agenda, but not necessarily everyone at our university has to join in, according to Hanne Harmsen, CBS’ Vice Dean of Green Transition. “I don’t believe in universities with a single agenda,” she says, adding that we also need our politicians to acknowledge the importance of social sciences when solving our climate crisis.
04 Jul 2022
CBS helps Ukrainian students by paying for their education over the summer
Right now, CBS is helping three Ukrainian students who are entering CBS’ International Summer University Programme. “We are working together with Kharkiv National University in Ukraine and have offered them a free spot on relevant courses at CBS during the summer,” explains Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the International Office at CBS. Learn more about the initiative in this article and find out how you can help Ukrainian students.
29 Jun 2022
Donate your old bike to Ukrainian refugees: “We need as many as we can get”
Laurenz Aisenpreis is a CBS student who, in his spare time, helps refugees in Greater Copenhagen to get bikes so that they can leave the house to buy groceries, go to work etc. “We don’t have enough bikes for all the requests, so we need as many as we can get,” Laurenz says, encouraging everyone to donate their old bikes to a good cause.
21 Jun 2022
No one will hire me because I’m in a wheelchair – what happened to social responsibility?
Hafaz Shah is an HD student at CBS who is constantly improving his resume to attract potential employers. Yet he is repeatedly rejected at job interviews. He knows the reason: his wheelchair. Hafaz has cerebral palsy and therefore can’t walk, which, according to him, is often a showstopper for any hiring panel. “When people see me, they assume I won’t be able to work,” he says.
14 Jun 2022
CBS Fashion Society and OUR SHIFT want the clothing industry to go green and stop burning garments
We need to end the burning of perfectly good clothes and inspire people to be fashionable in more sustainable ways. This is the joint mission of CBS Fashion Society and the activistic designer brand OUR SHIFT.
08 Jun 2022
Are you CBS WIRE’s new journalist and editor?
CBS WIRE is looking for a journalist who also wants to take on the role as editor in chief – could it be you? Then apply before Friday June 10’th!
08 Jun 2022
Three CBS students have made applying for exchange scholarships far easier
“We had all experienced how difficult it was to maneuver through the jungle of various scholarships and apply for funding for our exchange stays abroad, and we thought: Hey, we can make this process easier,” explains CBS student Morten Handest Høyer. Together with his two close friends, Christian Rudolf Larsen and Malte Jessen, he has started the company Legathjælp to help students find scholarships for their exchange stays abroad.
24 May 2022
CBS wants to be more diverse and to reduce the gender gap
CBS is struggling to achieve gender balance in some areas of the organization. Therefore, a gender equality plan has been introduced to help even out differences and create a more inclusive and diverse culture. “We don’t want to just lean back and accept that, for example, more men are occupying professorships than women. We need to address these issues,” says Alex Klinge, one of the authors of the gender equality plan.
16 May 2022
Christian Arnstedt at CBS Tech Day: “Don’t ask your mum if your idea is any good”
How do you build a tech company? What are the dos and don’ts? At CBS’ newly launched Tech Day, multi-investor and CEO of Blazar Capital Christian Arnstedt revealed insights on this exact topic to curious CBS students interested in tech start-ups. His first tip was to never trust your mother’s opinion of your ideas.
28 Apr 2022
COVID-19 has delayed CBS plans to be more sustainable
CBS still has a long way to go to meet its sustainability goals for 2025. Especially when it comes to reducing waste and sorting garbage, says Director of Campus Services René Steffensen. “The coronavirus pandemic made it difficult for us to remain focused on our sustainability goals and we are still not very good at sorting our waste,” he states. But there might be a solution.
27 Apr 2022
CBS researcher develops platform with DIY solutions for Ukrainian war victims
People are often more innovative than they give themselves credit for, according to CBS researcher Pedro Oliveira. And so he has developed a platform that invites everyone to share their ideas on how to help Ukrainian war victims in their dire situation. The DIY solutions include how to make a phone charger out of a wireless drill, and how to help secure shelter for the many refugees.
20 Apr 2022
Acting CBS President on cases of bullying at CBS: “They are unacceptable and must stop”
The new job satisfaction survey at CBS shows, among other things, a lack of trust in the Senior Management and problems with harassment and bullying. Acting CBS President Inger Askehave is “sad that these problems exist” and states that she will actively attempt to fight them. Read her views on the results of the report here.
19 Apr 2022
The Student Rebellion: How is CBS getting away with closing small unique education programs?
The four CBS education programs slated for closure under the regionalization agreement are small and unique programs, even though the regionalization agreement claims that small education programs that are not available elsewhere cannot be shut down. CBS student and initiator of the Student Rebellion, Morten Levinsen, is shocked and unhappy at the prospect of the four education programs closing. He is backed by two political parties that have withdrawn from the agreement altogether.
08 Apr 2022
CBS Students about decision to shut down Café Nexus Thursday parties: “We strongly disagree”
The Senior Management at CBS has decided to shut down Thursday parties at Café Nexus because of what it describes as excessive alcohol consumption, drugs found on campus and vandalism. Neither CBS Students nor the staff at Nexus recognize the description of the parties and both strongly disagree with the decision. “Once again, we have not been included in a decision made by the Senior Management of CBS that impacts on students’ lives,” states the President of CBS Students.
06 Apr 2022
“Stress is never our own responsibility – let’s create a working environment where we can actually breathe”
It is not okay to expect the person experiencing stress to solve the situation. It is a joint responsibility between the individual, colleagues, and management, believes Pernille Steen Pedersen, a CBS-researcher in the field. She hopes that CBS can create a better working environment where all employees can thrive and voice their concerns.
30 Mar 2022
Yuliia reunites with her Ukrainian family: “They didn’t look as I expected”
Last time we interviewed Ukrainian CBS student Yuliia Montrenko, her mother and grandmother were trapped in a small village outside Kyiv with food left for only four days. Learn what happened to Yuliia’s family and how her first meeting with them was not as she had anticipated.
28 Mar 2022
CBS launches plan for relocating and shutting down education programs
CBS is ready to accommodate the governments regionalization agreement by closing about five percent of its study places. The Acting President of CBS Inger Askehave is “really pleased” that the university sidestepped the potential maximum of a 10-percent cutback and feels that the politicians have listened to CBS’ wish to not reduce study places too drastically.
24 Mar 2022
CBS’ Dean of Research answers critique on bad working conditions for PhDs
While Dean of Research Søren Hvidkjær acknowledges a problem with stress among PhD students, he does not believe that CBS could have acted differently and let PhDs work on campus sooner during the Covid-19 lockdowns. That is his response to the critique voiced by the outgoing Chairman of the PhD Association of CBS.
22 Mar 2022
The Conservative and Liberal Student union attempted to run against CBS Students: “We never had a fair shot”
While CBS Students were handing out free coffee to voters, The Conservative and Liberal Students (CLS) couldn’t even enter the building to campaign during the CBS election 2021. “We really had no chance to campaign on equal terms,” says President of CLS, Casper Øhlers. CBS Students agrees that the process should be improved for the next election.
14 Mar 2022
Felikss has Russian roots: “I stopped talking to my parents about politics when I was 16 years old”
CBS WIRE has interviewed Felikss, a part-Russian student at CBS. Hear his views on having Russian roots at this moment in history and how horrified he is about the war in Ukraine right now.
10 Mar 2022
“CBS disrupted our lives and education and left us with no financial security for nine months”
CBS WIRE has met with one of the students CBS suspended and accused of violating CBS’ ethical guidelines in connection with a Facebook event. “I strongly believe that CBS should apologize to us for suspending us without legal grounds,” she says, based on the recent Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman’s ruling on the case.
09 Mar 2022
Ukrainian CBS student: My mom and grandmother are trapped in a house with food left for only four days
What does it feel like, having your closest family in the middle of a war zone with almost no food and no way out? What do you do when you can only watch the horrors from afar? CBS WIRE has interviewed a young Ukrainian woman who is studying at CBS to get her personal story of the crimes happening in Ukraine. An insight filled with terror, extreme bravery, and resilient hope all at the same time.
Updated: 09 Mar 2022
CBS’ suspension of six students because of sexism was unjustified says the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman
Finally, a ruling has been made in the case of six students' temporary suspension from CBS because of what the CBS management believed was a sexist party invitation. The punishment was unjustified, states the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman. CBS Students encourages CBS management to think again, should a similar situation occur.
03 Mar 2022