Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School



CBS at Copenhagen Pride – in photos

2023 is the first year for the new organisation Colorful CBS to organise the participation in Copenhagen Pride Parade.


Cutbacks lead to reduction of 60-70 fulltime staff

It’s been ‘welcome back’ from the summer holidays for a few weeks now – and soon goodbye to some with a message many had anticipated with dread: a reduction totalling at least the equivalent of 60-70 full-time staff members.


It actually is rocket science! CBS student competences wanted at student rocketry association DanSTAR

DanSTAR – a successful student rocketry association based at DTU – wants to enlist CBS students and their competences. CBS WIRE followed along on an excursion to the rocket garage.


Applying for research grants is a losing game researchers must play: “It’s a lottery”

2022 was a record year for external research funding at CBS. But behind every grant lie many more rejections – and hours of work – which you rarely hear about.


Do you meet religious people without prejudice?


Meadows or green grass? How wild can a business school campus really be?

Is green grass the epitome of a professional environment or can a business school campus be a wild meadow?


No grades for Nicolai: muting grades shifts the focus to improvement and interests

In high school, Nicolai was extremely focused on his grades and getting the best Grade Point Average. This led to constant pressure and stress. When starting at CBS, he made the unusual choice of not looking at his grades anymore. Instead, he is set on focusing on improvement while studying.


Men, with little experience abroad, lead Danish research – report on department heads shows lack of diversity

The heads of department at Danish universities lack international experience. That is one finding in a new report published by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (Videnskabernes Selskab). The report takes stock of the department heads at Danish universities – who are deemed crucial in running the universities and the future of Danish research.


Oral exams: Rehearse with other students, wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to change your mind

How do examiners view oral exams? What is their best advice? CBS WIRE has spoken to three examiners about exam anxiety, whether they can spot students faking knowledge, and how to assess individual performance during group exams.


Why we see fewer female start-up founders

Fewer women find their way as founders in start-ups even at an entrepreneur-friendly university such as CBS. Why? Professor José Mata gives three reasons why even young women might shy away from a career as an entrepreneur. Mindset, lack of female role models and investor bias.


Guide: Festivals in and around Copenhagen

As soon as the sun is out, Copenhagen comes alive. Staying in the city over the summer gives us many opportunities, such as celebrating at some of the various festivals. Already this week on 31 May Distortion begins, launching the festival season on a grand scale. The festival takes place in different parts of Copenhagen. For example, on Thursday the streets of Vesterbro will be filled with music. No matter if you have a summer internship, summer school, or are on a study break, here is an overview of where to be in and around Copenhagen over the next few months:


Permaculture gardeners want to defy business school norm of neat green lawns

Raised beds with berries and vegetables, wildflowers and professors with wheelbarrows and rakes – it might not be the typical image of a business school – but that could all change in the future. CBS faculty members Isabel Fróes and Maribel Blasco’s idea of creating a permaculture garden at CBS has finally set down roots. On a piece of land next to Kilen, they want to build a community around permaculture principles and rethink how the green spaces of the campus can be used. “It gives us a lot of energy and meaning,” says Maribel Blasco.


Minister visits CBS: “Higher education policy has been hijacked by immigration policy agendas. I would like to turn that around.”

Stakeholders from CBS voiced their concerns and questions when the Minister for Higher Education and Science Christina Egelund visited CBS on Monday as part of her tour of Danish universities before negotiations for the university reform are finalised. The minister hopes for more international students, a fresh start to lifelong learning partnerships – and an end to hijacking the education policy.


Three international students create their own podcast Matter – on life and love, living abroad, travelling – and many laughs

Three friends studying at CBS decided to share their stories, advice and thoughts by launching a new podcast called Matter.


Academic Books closes stores as turnover plummets – “There won’t be a campus bookstore if you don’t do anything”

The non-profit bookstore and CBS creation Academic Books has lost 30% of its revenue in the last five years. “If this goes on, in four or five years there will be no bookstore at CBS,” says Kenneth Golubov, Administrative Director of SL Fonden, under which Academic Books is run.


Alternative research presentation: write a report that your parents would understand

Katinka Bjørndal Thomsen wanted to write a report about circular supply chains related to smartphones and computers that everyone could read and benefit from – including her parents.


Life in the middle of a bachelor’s: so many beginnings and endings


On the hunt with CBS Hunting Club – a different kind of game

Sports, culture, business and academia – CBS student societies offer it all, but only one student society shoots to kill. Since 2012, CBS Hunting Club has introduced students to a tradition dating back perhaps further than any other human pastime. CBS WIRE tagged along with the newcomers to see what training for a hunting licence is like.


From Denmark to Dubai: the internship opportunity of a lifetime


Learning from the climate laggards – Green Business Forum aims to take sustainability beyond the classroom

Sustainability is “a bit like teenage sex. We all like to say we’re doing it, but few people actually are and those who are do it poorly”. At least according to Morten Westergaard, head of climate and energy from Middelfart Municipality and panellist at the Green Business Forum at CBS. But talking can also be the start of something. For the first Green Business Forum held at CBS, students, faculty and business professionals teamed up to share ideas and address pressing questions that can push the green transition.
