Handing in your thesis, but giving away your identity?
With next week’s date for Master thesis hand-in, plenty of students will be pleased to celebrate the final hurdle in getting their academic degree. But beyond all the excitement of celebrating the finished assignments, will the students also be mourning the loss of their student identity? Reality lies ahead and the CBS days may be harder to transfer out of than one might think.
08 May 2018

Are CBS students locking themselves out of the conflict?
As time comes closer to the final decision on whether or not the big lockout of over 120.000 state employees will happen, thoughts arise on what role the younger generation should play in the conflict. Is this the students’ fight to fight?
21 Mar 2018

Life on demand: Are smartphones really making life smarter?
We spend more and more time on our individual tablets and mobile phones where we shift between various apps and programs. With its endless choices, the modern streaming life seems like a liberal utopia. But are these new habits creating a more lonely and isolated life?
13 Feb 2018

Present yourself – in all your shapes, sizes, clothes and opinions
The old stereotypes still rule – or do they? With the new school year starting, we also need to start embracing the broader student body, especially when we think about what a CBS student is.
26 Sep 2017

Amman: Humus, Bedouins and Roman Ruins
According to world politics and various news’ sites, the Middle East doesn’t seem like the most appealing place to travel for a relaxing and safe holiday. But beyond the conflicts lies multiple destinations of interesting cultural and historical content and a great place to start is the capital of Jordan: Amman.
11 Sep 2017

The odd one out
A more critical focus on diversity at the universities and other workplaces is needed, if we want to break with the gender norms and stereotypes that can lead to excluding work practices, argues Ph.D Fellow Jannick Friis Christensen from CBS.
15 Aug 2017

What to do about Summer?
As the August sun burns, summer is slowly coming to an end. Ahead lies a new school year with tasks and challenges, making us question whether or not the last few months have been successfully used as a student.
15 Aug 2017

Virtual Reality Creating Real Knowledge
VR-technology is winning its way into the business and entertainment world, but is it also beneficial for universities? Yes, says former CBS student Simon Borrit and Master in light design Zoltán Tasnádi from Aalborg University. No – not yet, says Jakob Ravn, Chief consultant from CBS.
15 Aug 2017

How a student’s problem triggered a succesful business venture
On the verge of graduation, a group of International Business students felt they were lacking a clear overview of the job market they were about to enter. This led them to start a new website, which aims to make all graduate programs visible and applicable free of charge for all students.
15 Aug 2017

How French Apples Created a Revolutionary Entrepreneurship
A semester abroad turned into a cider revolution for the newly CBS graduate, Paw Wöhlk. The young entrepreneur is about to launch Copenhagen’s first cider bar this July and despite the hard work of starting a business, he only encourages others to do the same.
27 Jun 2017

Does CBS top management have a problem with its style and structure?
A new committee, set by the Academic Council, has looked into why the academic staff has a low confidence in the top management at CBS and found four major issues. We asked the top management what consequences this report will have.
26 Jun 2017

Students unite: CBS’ Program portfolio needs your help
Three students want to change the content of CBS’ program portfolio, and they need your help. The aim is to make it clearer what skills and qualifications the various CBS educations acquire and provide.
26 Jun 2017

Democracy for all or only the privileged few?
The annual Folkemøde has just been held at the island of Bornholm, celebrating democracy and citizen interaction. But as I return from the political festival, I can’t help but question the democracy that is being celebrated – is it really for everyone?
20 Jun 2017

Wonder Women, but Where to Find them?
How much can a movie do? Apparently a whole lot. As a motion picture, ‘Wonder Woman’ has set in motion an empowerment movement amongst women and girls. But as I step out of the cinema and onto campus, I start to question where the academic wonder women are to empower me as a student – regardless of my gender.
12 Jun 2017

The Paradox of the Profile Picture Filter
As yet another terror attack strikes Europe, social media abound with sympathy posts, quotes and pictures. But does a like, filter or hashtag really change anything, or are they on the contrary contributing to the terrorists' agenda? Perhaps our French flag profile pictures aren't as supportive as we think.
30 May 2017

Blended Learning: Silence is Golden
Having created an increase in efficiency and creativity amongst employers and employees, the question lies in whether silence is also the vital element needed to produce a better learning environment here at CBS. A class of graduate students had a short introduction to the possibilities of silent co-creation.
29 May 2017

Here’s to the mess we didn’t make
We all remember the Oscar shocker, when La La Land was announced Best Picture by mistake and Moonlight was delayed in getting the praise it deserved. Golden statue or not, I still perceive La La Land to be the best, as it showed me, as a student, something I hadn’t seen in a long time – both in fiction and real life.
16 May 2017