Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

Birgitte Ramsø Thomsen



A-Z of the dismissals

In these final days of September, the fate of a number of CBS employees is being decided. The final amount of money saved on salaries via voluntary severance agreements (aka redundancy packages, Ed.) and senior agreements will be known.  After this, the actual number of employees up for dismissal will be decided by management – and then the individuals will be selected.


Why so sudden? The CBS financial crisis explained

Employees and union representatives have posed many questions in the wake of the 17 August announcement of a firing round. In this interview, University Director Arnold Boon explains how Senior Management has been working with the budget and a change of financial strategy since the fall of 2022, and why layoffs are now necessary.


Union reps want transparency about redundancy packages

The unions are hoping for a fair process – and the AC club is calling for transparency about redundancy packages. Academic union representatives expect that actual dismissals can be avoided among faculty members, whereas administrative staff are expecting layoffs.


CBS at Copenhagen Pride – in photos

2023 is the first year for the new organisation Colorful CBS to organise the participation in Copenhagen Pride Parade.


Cutbacks lead to reduction of 60-70 fulltime staff

It’s been ‘welcome back’ from the summer holidays for a few weeks now – and soon goodbye to some with a message many had anticipated with dread: a reduction totalling at least the equivalent of 60-70 full-time staff members.


It actually is rocket science! CBS student competences wanted at student rocketry association DanSTAR

DanSTAR – a successful student rocketry association based at DTU – wants to enlist CBS students and their competences. CBS WIRE followed along on an excursion to the rocket garage.


Minister visits CBS: “Higher education policy has been hijacked by immigration policy agendas. I would like to turn that around.”

Stakeholders from CBS voiced their concerns and questions when the Minister for Higher Education and Science Christina Egelund visited CBS on Monday as part of her tour of Danish universities before negotiations for the university reform are finalised. The minister hopes for more international students, a fresh start to lifelong learning partnerships – and an end to hijacking the education policy.


PhD panel debate: focus on your PhD – the rest comes later

How do you best disseminate your PhD research? At a PhD panel debate, the panelists all agreed: Don’t. Not yet anyway. Give your all to your research and dissertation and concern yourself with becoming a good scholar instead.


SOL saved as an MSc EBA programme

On Thursday 15 December, the final decision arrived about the new MSc EBA (cand.merc.) programmes – with one significant change: the concentration SOL (Strategy, Organisation and Leadership) will remain on board and continue as an MSc EBA programme from 2024.


Two lists competing for the student vote: what’s the difference?

It’s Student Election Week and CBS’ Solbjerg Campus is buzzing with activity – and will be until voting closes on Friday 25 November at 14:00.


The basics: what are we voting for?

Should you make your student vote count? And what’s this election all about? Here are your basic questions on the election answered.


Current MSc EBA (cand.merc.) academic areas to find new homes in the future programme portfolio

Confusion, crisis meetings and – hopefully – clarification. The MSc EBA (cand.merc.) reform, which proposed cutting four of the current 14 concentrations from 2024 onwards, has sparked criticism. CBS WIRE sums up the main questions from faculty and students and puts them to President Nikolaj Malchow-Møller and the Programme Director for the MSc (cand.merc.) programmes, Henrik Sornn-Friese.


Biggest MSc EBA (cand.merc.) revision in 30 years: Fewer options in the future. Four of the current 14 concentrations to disappear

In a bid to align CBS’s flagship MSc EBA (cand.merc.) programme with ministerial requirements, the MSc EBA (cand.merc.) study board’s recommendation to senior management is to cut away five of the current 14 concentrations. Senior Management approves, but will save Applied Economics and Finance (AEF). Both the Academic Council and a reference group are raising concerns, not least over a “rushed process” and the reduction of core areas such as economics, organisation and marketing. Senior Management will host an open online Teams meeting on Wednesday 9 November at 11:15 and a meeting for students and others interested on Thursday 10 November at 8:45.


Academic staff layoffs averted

Mitigating measures – natural staff turnover, senior schemes and voluntary retirement – have prevented actual dismissals of academic staff following the student intake reduction.


Student wellbeing workshop: How to reboot your social and academic life after COVID

New MSc students of Business Administration and Mathematical Business Economics found out they were not alone: most fellow students feel awkward when speaking to strangers, especially after two years of online studies. A student wellbeing workshop helped give them tools to act: to dare speak up in class, arrange social gatherings – or even ask out that nice someone from Nexus café. This autumn, the session will be scaled up into a Masterclass for all graduate students.
