Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

young woman in blue dress

Vera Francine Claver


My name is Vera Francine Claver. I started studying in the middle of the pandemic. Because of that, I’ve had a confusing start and have, of course, spent a lot of time at home. As a result of that, I’ve started writing. It’s nothing new that it can be stressful, confusing, and tough juggling life in your mid-twenties with a job, friends, dating, studying and everything else. Throw a pandemic on top of that and you’ve got yourself endless days with your own thoughts and feelings. I’ve always enjoyed writing for myself, and it’s a big honour to be writing for CBS Wire now. I hope you find some recognition in my words. You can expect irony and poetry and hopefully at times a little laughter as well.

young woman turning around


I feel like I have to reinvent myself as a student

young woman sitting on a bench


I can’t wait…


I guess I would have spoken to my co-students about my insecurities and worries but I don’t even know their names


Dating during a pandemic: It’s the fact that I’m all alone that breaks me. I’m alone. All the time. Every day.
