Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

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Aisya Nizar


Hey everyone! My name is Aisya, I was born and raised in Malaysia and my name rhymes with where I come from, so it’s super easy to remember. I am in my final year at BSc International Business and have realized that I want to share my life experiences about being here in Denmark, and all the sweet and sour things. I would love to write a book about it! But for now, we can stick to seeing them in my CBS WIRE Blog. I enjoy sipping a cup of bubble tea, appreciating the sun when it comes out, and having a background Netflix show playing while I do something else. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I enjoy writing them!

portrait of woman


Is the grass greener on the other side?

young woman with a mask


The uncertainty of my future: Should I stay, or should I leave?

'Fastelavnsbolle' with chocolate


From sweet Malay cooking and the Chinese sizzling dish to rich Indian curry flavors and the Danish ‘fastelavnsbolle’

young woman by her computer


Getting a student job in Denmark: Like learning A, B, C all over again

young woman in snow


I Spy with my Little Eye, what’s up with Danish culture?
