Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

27 Oct Workshop


Event |   24. Oct 2017



CBSYoga studio, below Eco Bar, Dalgas Have
2000 Frederiksberg


Start: 27/10/2017 19:00
End: 27/10/2017 20:00


CBS Yoga


20 DKK

More info

Repeating the success of the past, CBSYoga will once again host a yoga class entirely for men.

This class for those of you who have heard of the astonishing benefits of yoga, but feel kind of intimidated by the amount flexible girls in yoga class, for the more regular yoga-goers, who want to have a relaxing class with fellow male yogis or for those who feel that they can't get a spot on our regular yoga classes.
So what are you waiting for? bring all your bros, your uncle, your cousin, your accountant and get your yoga on.

Practical information:

The class will be basic hatha mixed with some Vinayasa poses. (In normal english: it will be relatively static beginner poses with some more dynamic "flows" as well).

The teacher will be Lea (sorry, we don't have any male instructers, but she is experienced and has done this before).

The Price will be twenty DKK, and you can as always use your ten-pack. The sign up sheet will be posted here in the week leading up the event.
