Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

21 Nov Lecture

Seminar on Fake News – 21 November 2019

Event |   13. Nov 2019



Kilevej 14
2000 Frederiksberg


Start: 21/11/2019 15:00
End: 21/11/2019 18:00


Digital Transformations Platform


Free of charge

More info

The problem of Fake News and other problematic online content is one of our time’s most pressing challenges -- it is widely believed to have played a major role in the election of Trump and Brexit, and in general threatens the healthy functioning of news media in modern democracy. In this seminar, The Platform for Digital Transformation brings together practitioners and academic scholars from various disciplines, including information systems, economics, and computational linguistics, to better understand the phenomenon, and to develop research strategies to address it.


15.00 Alan Dennis, Indiana University: Fake News on Social Media: Why We Fall for It and What We Can Do about It

15.30 Isabelle Augenstein, Copenhagen University: MultiFC: A Real-World Multi-Domain Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact Checking of Claims

16.00 Abayomi Baiyere and Daniel Hardt, CBS: Fake news and the importance of supporting evidence.

16.30 -- Panel Discussion --

17.00 -- Wine Reception --
